[R-sig-ME] issue with glmer() with the newest updated lme4 version

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 23:32:40 CET 2014

  The best place for general or even possibly-general lme4 questions is
r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org : I'm forwarding this answer there now
...  You can go to
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models to subscribe.

On 14-02-14 01:42 PM, Colleen Arnison wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> I have fit a glmer () model to binomial data with 12 fixed (various
> landscape variables)  and  2 random effects (elk ID and Area).
> I need to apply (ie predict) this model to new data (a subset of the
> original data I used to make it) and having some issues. 
> I found on a few help forums to download the newest version of lme4 from
> your GigHub website (https://github.com/lme4/lme4/) and that made the
> predict () method for merMod objects work (GREAT!!!), however, when I
> then try to run the full script to create the original glmer model an
> error occurs (Warning message: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence
> (8)) which never occurred when I use the original CRAN version of lme4. 

  This seems quite strange -- that error message comes from OLD
(pre-1.0) versions of lme4.  Somehow you're loading different versions
of lme4.  Have you started from a clean R session?  What are the results
of sessionInfo()?  What are the results of

inst.pkg <- installed.packages()


> Is there any other way around this?? Another way to predict a glmer
> model with new data, or make the function glmer work in the updated lme4
> on GigHub??
> Thanks so much for your help,
> Colleen
> PS sorry I am emailing you directly, I am new to R and discussion groups
> and did not know where I could post this question.
> model<- glmer(USE~Cover+Elevation+slope+
>              prisk_s+BrnAge+FireSmt+NDVI+BurnCat+SummerUse+
>              Type*DistLinear+DWater+
>              (1|Area) + (1|ANIMAL_ID), data=data, family=binomial)
> testData <- data[sample(nrow(data))[1:10000], ] 
> predict(model, newdata=testData)

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