[R-sig-ME] Multivariate multilevel analysis with nlme

Corentin Gonthier corentin.gonthier at univ-savoie.fr
Wed Feb 12 13:25:37 CET 2014

Dear R and statistics experts,

I am currently trying to analyze a dataset which I think requires a 
multivariate multilevel analysis. I am unsure both of the appropriate 
model and of how to fit it with R. Any insight about any aspect of the 
analysis (be it the multivariate part, the multilevel part, the R 
implementation...) will be extremely appreciated - even a cursory glance 
to tell me if something looks wrong would be a big help.

I come from a psychology background and I am new to multilevel modeling; 
despite reading a lot of material about this type of analyses my 
understanding of the math is simply too superficial to be certain about 
what I am doing. I would really need your help to check whether my 
analysis is correct: if you're reading this, you are definitely more 
skillful than I am!


Our study is about whether the architectural design of a clinic will 
influence symptoms of a pathology for permanent residents in this clinic.
We have collected data on 13 symptoms for 8 patients per clinic in 21 

Our hypothesis is that overall, architecture has an effect on 
symptomatology. There is a clinic-level IV (architecture) and we also 
control for a patient-level IV (medication). We expect a cross-level 

The 13 symptom DVs are correlated +.20 on average, which I think means a 
multivariate analysis is appropriate. It also seems necessary to 
mitigate the risk of type I errors.

I use nlme because as far as I understand, lmer doesn't have the option 
to correlate residuals as necessary for a multivariate analysis.


To run the multivariate analysis with nlme I have standardized my DVs, 
stacked the 13 DVs in a single column, and added a dummy variable to 
flag which row corresponds to which symptom. This dummy variable is 
categorical rather than continuous so as to prevent R from running a 
growth-curve-like analysis.

The data looks like this:

Clinic    Patient    Symptom    Score        Medication Architecture
1            1                EP1            -0.12               1     
1            1                EP2            0.11 1                     3.2
1            1                EP3            0.13 1                     3.2
1            2                EP1            0.56 4                     3.2
1            2                EP2            0.67 4                     3.2
1            2                EP3            0.23 4                     3.2
2            3                EP1            -0.22 3                     5.1
2            3                EP2            0.25 3                     5.1
2            3                EP3            0.14 3                     5.1
2            4                EP1            0.78 6                     5.1
2            4                EP2            0.89 6                     5.1
2            4                EP3            -0.11 6                     5.1


- To run the analysis as multivariate, I use both "Symptom" and the 
"Symptom:Architecture" interaction as IVs and I remove the intercept in 
both the fixed and stochastic parts of the model. I do not include the 
main effect of "Architecture" as an IV.

- The effect of patient-level variables should be the same within all 
clinics, so there is no random effect for "Medication".

- I do not want to constrain equality between the effect of 
"Architecture" on the different Symptoms.

- Due to the multivariate nature of the analysis, I also expect the 
residuals to be correlated, with different correlations between the 13 
different Symptoms; therefore I specify the covariance structure of 
residuals as "corSymm" (non-zero but unstructured and not invariant 
across Symptoms, if I get this correctly). This gives :
     correlation = corSymm(form = ~1|Patient/Clinic)

- I also expect heteroscedasticity between the different symptoms (there 
should be more variance on certain Symptoms), so I add the following 
option :
     weights = varIdent(form = ~1|Symptom).


The model I come up with in nlme is therefore the following :

model1 = lme(fixed = Score ~ Symptom + Medication:Symptom + 
Architecture:symptom + Medication:Architecture:Symptom - 1,
+ random = ~ Symptom - 1 | Patient/clinic,
+ correlation = corSymm(form= ~ 1|Patient/Clinic),
+ weights=varIdent(form= ~ 1|Symptom)
+ method = "ML")

In order to test the effect of the architectural variable, I then 
compare this model to the following constrained model, dropping all the 
terms related to architecture:

model2 = lme(fixed = Score ~ Symptom + Medication:Symptom - 1,
+ random = ~ Symptom - 1 | Patient/clinic,
+ correlation = corSymm(form= ~ 1|Patient/Clinic),
+ weights=varIdent(form= ~ 1|Symptom)
+ method = "ML")

I compare the two models with the command
     anova(model1, model2)
and look at the likelihood ratio test. I have read that this is not the 
best way to test the significance of fixed effects, but I don't see 
another way to run the analysis as multivariate.

Overall, does this look correct to you?

Thank you so much for your invaluable insight!

Best wishes,

--Corentin Gonthier

Ph.D. Student in cognitive neuroscience
Department of Psychology and NeuroCognition
University of Grenoble

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