[R-sig-ME] pedigreemm number of levels per grouping factor

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 03:36:02 CET 2014

David Duffy <David.Duffy at ...> writes:

> On Fri, 7 Feb 2014, Wilson, Alastair wrote:
> > Thanks - that's v much appreciated. Data file and pedigree structures 
> > attached.
> OK, runs fine with older versions of pedigreemm and lmer


> The newest version of pedigreemm is failing in pedigreemm::relfactor(), 
> which is supposed to produce the Cholesky factor of the relationship 
> matrix, where the error arises in:
> solve(t(as(ped,"sparseMatrix")),
>        as(factor(labs, levels = ped <at> label),"sparseMatrix"))
> specifically in your exampe, NRM is 500*500 but labs is 400*1 (100 
> unphenotyped founders)
> Cheers, David Duffy.

  I'm not following this particularly carefully, but if this turns out
to be an issue on the lme4 end (or something that could be alleviated
on the lme4 end, even if it's not an lme4 bug per se), please let the
maintainers know/consider posting an issue at https://github.com/lme4/lme4

   Ben Bolker

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