[R-sig-ME] predictions from MCMCglmm multinomial model
Jarrod Hadfield
j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 6 16:56:59 CET 2014
Hi Achaz,
Perhaps this is now sorted. If you have marginal=NULL in the call to
predict then you will still get a prediction for each herder. However,
since you have no fixed effects in the model except trait (such that
all herders in a region have the same fixed effect structure) then you
can pull out the prediction for a single herder in each region, and
this will be equivalent to a prediction for each region.
Quoting Achaz Hardenberg <achaz.hardenberg at gmail.com> on Thu, 12 Dec
2013 10:27:58 +0100:
> Dear all,
> I have fitted the following model:
> sheep-predation.mcmc<-MCMCglmm(cbind(Puma,Fox,Dog,Surv.sheep)~trait-1,random=~Region,rcov=us(trait):units, family=
> "multinomial4",data=carnivorosAllsheep,verbose=FALSE)
> where Puma,Fox and Dog are the counts of sheep predated by these
> predators, as denounced by herders (one row per herder); Surv.sheep
> are the number of sheep remaining after the predations. herders are
> grouped in 4 different Regions which I specified as a random effect.
> I would like to get the predicted probability of predation with
> credible intervals for each Region and for each species of predator.
> I tried:
> predict(sheep-predation.mcmc,marginal=~Region,interval="confidence), but it
> gives me the prediction for each herder in each Region, rather than
> the global estimate for each region/species.
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> cheers,
> Achaz von Hardenberg
> Gran Paradiso National Park
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