[R-sig-ME] problem with lme4

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 19:30:42 CET 2014

  [cc'ing to r-sig-mixed-models]

  You haven't given a reproducible example, but I believe that simply
replacing   model.s2 at X with getME(model.s2,"X") in the second line
should work.  I think you should also be able to get the same results
(predictions with and without random values) via the 'REform' argument
to predict() (possibly switching to 'ReForm' more recently): see

On 14-01-22 12:59 PM, Linda Heeb wrote:
> Dear Mr Bolker
> Since the new lme4 package this script doesn’t work any more….
> model.s2<-glmer(y~licking.duration+CN+(1|nest)+(1|session),data=bold.t, family=poisson)
> bold.t$F0 <- inv.logit(model.s2 at X %*% fixef(model.s2))*100 
> bold.t$F1 <- fitted(model.s2)*100 
> p <- qplot(licking.duration, interactions*100, facets=.~CN, data=bold.t)
> p + theme_bw() + geom_line(aes(y=F0)) + geom_line(aes(y=F1, col=mumID)) + opts(legend.position = "none") 
> Fehler in plogis(x) : 
>   kein Slot des Namens "X" für dieses Objekt der Klasse „glmerMod“
> I hope you can tell my why and show me how I can improve it.
> Cheers, Linda Heeb

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