[R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm: Prior for Sir function

Linus Holtermann holtermann at hwwi.org
Tue Jan 14 15:31:46 CET 2014


i am working with the wonderful MCMCglmm package in R. My models are hierarchical multilevel-models (two levels).
I incorporate the sir-function in my model and it works fine. The estimation results are reliable but a warning appears "Prior for sir not defined". How can i manage to specify a Prior for the sir function?

My second question is regarding the p-values for random effects in MCMC Setting. When estimating multilevel-models with ML Wald-Tests are often used to test if a random effect is significant. In a MCMC framework can I use p-values that are calculate in the same way as those for the fixed effects?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Linus Holtermann
Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützige GmbH (HWWI)
Heimhuder Straße 71
20148 Hamburg
Tel +49-(0)40-340576-336
Internet: www.hwwi.org
Email: holtermann at hwwi.org
AmtsgerichtHamburg HRB 94303
Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar, Gunnar Geyer
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 241849425

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