[R-sig-ME] simulating datasets for mixed model analysis

Fiona Ingleby F.Ingleby at sussex.ac.uk
Wed Dec 4 16:56:14 CET 2013

Dear list,

I am trying to simulate a dataset with a specific covariance matrix for analysis with a mixed model. To illustrate what I mean, I've used MCMCglmm (although a similar model could be done using lmer) to make a reproducible example:

# make a random dataset
# analyse with MCMCglmm as if x, y and z are three response variables and group is a grouping factor
# extract the group-level variance/covariance matrix:

What I would like to do is start with a given matrix, and simulate a dataset around this matrix - so, something similar to the line of code above used to create the random dataset, but designed for a known var/cov structure.

I'd be really grateful if anyone could offer any help or point me in the right direction at all.

Thanks in advance,


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