[R-sig-ME] Define prior in MCMCglmm
Maria Paola Bissiri
Maria_Paola.Bissiri at tu-dresden.de
Wed Nov 20 20:50:30 CET 2013
Dear Jarrod, dear Szymek,
thank you for your answers, I made some progress, but I am not sure if
I am on the right way.
Jarrod, you mean that the random effects (1 + fin_B|subj_ID) in glmer,
corresponding to us(1+fin_B):subj_ID in MCMCglmm, are not appropriate
because fin_B is binomial, right?
So, would you suggest random = ~us(fin_B):subj_ID in MCMCglmm?
Is (fin_B|subj_ID) the corresponding glmer notation for it?
Is "us" or "idh" more appropriate for my data in MCMCglmm? fin_B is
dichotomous, a factor variable with two outcomes "f" or "m". subj_ID
has 86 outcomes (the experiment participants).
>>> list(V=diag(2), nu=2, alpha.mu=c(0,0), alpha.V=diag(2)*a)
>>> where a is something large.
Can you give me some hint how large "a" should be?
I tried the following:
k <- length(levels(fallmid$resp_X))
I <- diag(k-1)
J <- matrix(rep(1, (k-1)^2), c(k-1, k-1))
prior = list(R = list(fix = 1, V = 0.5 * (I+J), n = 2),
G = list(G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=2, alpha.mu=c(0,0),
fallmid.MCMCglmm <- MCMCglmm(resp_X ~ lang * ini_pch + lang * manner +
lang * fin_B,
random = ~us(fin_B):subj_ID,
family="categorical", data=fallmid,
Then I checked
and I saw that the model with the default parameters produced
sometimes autocorrelation of 0.4 between successive stored iterations.
How should the parameters nitt, thin and burnin be set to improve
this? Should I just increase all numbers in the same ratio as the
default ones? Are there limits by increasing?
I rerun MCMCglmm indicating
nitt=150000, thin=100, burnin=37500
and could get autocorrelation < 0.1 for all fixed effects, except
0.1043 for langen:ini_pchr
I copy below the autocorrelation output for VCV, in which I cannot
understand titles as "f:f.subj_ID", and "m:f.subj_ID". "f" and "m" are
the outcomes of the dichotomous variable fin_B.
And I copy also the summary of the model.
How does it look for you? Am I on the right way?
Kind regards,
Maria Paola
> autocorr(fallmid.MCMCglmm.tweak$VCV)
, , f:f.subj_ID
f:f.subj_ID m:f.subj_ID f:m.subj_ID m:m.subj_ID units
Lag 0 1.00000000 -0.18716407 -0.18716407 -0.002976274 NaN
Lag 100 0.28414235 -0.04901656 -0.04901656 -0.021149419 NaN
Lag 500 0.02436112 -0.01027021 -0.01027021 -0.027991234 NaN
Lag 1000 -0.01759353 -0.01638179 -0.01638179 -0.011795094 NaN
Lag 5000 -0.04787859 0.00763913 0.00763913 0.024799289 NaN
, , m:f.subj_ID
f:f.subj_ID m:f.subj_ID f:m.subj_ID m:m.subj_ID units
Lag 0 -0.18716407 1.000000000 1.000000000 -0.17260855 NaN
Lag 100 -0.04912875 0.023138658 0.023138658 -0.05718198 NaN
Lag 500 -0.03577679 0.003964840 0.003964840 -0.05278701 NaN
Lag 1000 0.02771401 0.004615445 0.004615445 0.01383229 NaN
Lag 5000 0.01528668 0.001639329 0.001639329 -0.02532356 NaN
, , f:m.subj_ID
f:f.subj_ID m:f.subj_ID f:m.subj_ID m:m.subj_ID units
Lag 0 -0.18716407 1.000000000 1.000000000 -0.17260855 NaN
Lag 100 -0.04912875 0.023138658 0.023138658 -0.05718198 NaN
Lag 500 -0.03577679 0.003964840 0.003964840 -0.05278701 NaN
Lag 1000 0.02771401 0.004615445 0.004615445 0.01383229 NaN
Lag 5000 0.01528668 0.001639329 0.001639329 -0.02532356 NaN
, , m:m.subj_ID
f:f.subj_ID m:f.subj_ID f:m.subj_ID m:m.subj_ID units
Lag 0 -0.002976274 -0.17260855 -0.17260855 1.00000000 NaN
Lag 100 -0.062222834 -0.04848553 -0.04848553 0.22828366 NaN
Lag 500 0.017753127 -0.01216755 -0.01216755 0.07778476 NaN
Lag 1000 0.020301781 0.03771063 0.03771063 -0.02781175 NaN
Lag 5000 -0.015825205 -0.05418101 -0.05418101 0.07003646 NaN
, , units
f:f.subj_ID m:f.subj_ID f:m.subj_ID m:m.subj_ID units
Lag 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Lag 100 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Lag 500 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Lag 1000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Lag 5000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
> summary(fallmid.MCMCglmm.tweak)
Iterations = 37501:149901
Thinning interval = 100
Sample size = 1125
DIC: 1586.166
G-structure: ~us(fin_B):subj_ID
post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
f:f.subj_ID 2.8329 1.351 4.4789 626.6
m:f.subj_ID -0.4024 -1.301 0.5999 1125.0
f:m.subj_ID -0.4024 -1.301 0.5999 1125.0
m:m.subj_ID 3.3495 1.665 4.9086 481.2
R-structure: ~units
post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
units 1 1 1 0
Location effects: resp_X ~ lang * ini_pch + lang * manner + lang * fin_B
post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
(Intercept) -2.12231 -2.99651 -1.19650 1125.0 < 9e-04 ***
langde 0.86672 -0.33061 2.13741 1125.0 0.15467
langen 0.17379 -1.32158 1.96542 1021.4 0.83556
langsw 0.60668 -1.11771 2.00774 1125.0 0.44622
ini_pchm 0.31321 -0.36251 0.94373 1125.0 0.33956
ini_pchr -0.01135 -0.61257 0.65751 1005.5 0.97600
mannerla 0.02540 -0.64462 0.60490 1125.0 0.93689
mannerna -0.29521 -0.87690 0.37917 1125.0 0.38222
fin_Bm 2.57100 1.54529 3.81118 1019.3 < 9e-04 ***
langde:ini_pchm -0.62639 -1.44799 0.26281 1026.4 0.14044
langen:ini_pchm 0.13596 -0.98973 1.23208 975.7 0.81244
langsw:ini_pchm 0.27390 -0.87134 1.31791 1125.0 0.63644
langde:ini_pchr -0.89823 -1.79517 -0.03409 1256.7 0.05511 .
langen:ini_pchr -1.30494 -2.58387 -0.09301 911.7 0.05333 .
langsw:ini_pchr -0.08782 -1.13757 1.02182 1010.0 0.89422
langde:mannerla -0.24312 -1.13861 0.63645 1125.0 0.59378
langen:mannerla -0.58499 -1.78324 0.61955 1125.0 0.32000
langsw:mannerla 0.58872 -0.52892 1.64295 1125.0 0.27733
langde:mannerna 0.47920 -0.33966 1.37083 1125.0 0.30756
langen:mannerna 0.79813 -0.35619 1.89286 1125.0 0.19911
langsw:mannerna 0.72797 -0.29891 1.89281 1125.0 0.19911
langde:fin_Bm -1.90047 -3.36978 -0.31952 997.2 0.00889 **
langen:fin_Bm -1.44445 -3.59097 0.42764 964.4 0.15467
langsw:fin_Bm -2.80490 -5.03965 -1.07777 1125.0 0.00533 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Zitat von Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk>:
> Hi Szymek,
> Whoops - I forgot it was dichotomous. idh(X):Y is probably more
> appropriate. (1+x) fits two effects; a) Y effects for the first
> level of X and b) the difference between Y effects between the two
> levels. If X was continous it would make more sense because it
> would be intercept and slope.
> Cheers,
> Jarrod
> Quoting Szymek Drobniak <geralttee at gmail.com> on Fri, 15 Nov 2013
> 21:47:35 +0100:
>> Hello,
>> thank you Jarrod for clarifying things, I obviously made a mistake with the
>> nu value. I was also wondering - what is the interpretation of idh(1+X):Y
>> in case X is a dichotomous variable?
>> Cheers,
>> sz.
>> On 14 November 2013 18:23, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Maria,
>>> random = ~us(1):subj_ID + us(fin_B):subj_ID is the same as
>>> idh(1+finB):subj_ID and is not the same as (1 + fin_B|subj_ID) in lmer
>>> because the idh fixes the covariance between and intercepts and slopes to
>>> zero. us(1+finB):subj_ID is equivalent to the lmer code.
>>> Also, a prior of nu=2 (or nu=2.002) could have quite an influence on your
>>> posterior. V=diag(2) and nu=1.002 for the 2x2 case gives a marginal prior
>>> on the variances that is equivalent to an inverse gamma with shape and
>>> scale equal to 0.001. This prior used to be used a lot, but has some bad
>>> properties when values close to zero have support. I often use the
>>> parameter expanded prior:
>>> list(V=diag(2), nu=2, alpha.mu=c(0,0), alpha.V=diag(2)*a)
>>> where a is something large.
>>> There is no difference between nu and n.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jarrod
>>> I meant (1 + fin_B|subj_ID), as indicated in glmer() (lme4 package).
>>>> And this should be indicated in MCMCglmm() as random = ~us(1):subj_ID +
>>>> us(fin_B):subj_ID.
>>> Quoting Maria Paola Bissiri <Maria_Paola.Bissiri at tu-dresden.de> on Thu,
>>> 14 Nov 2013 15:06:26 +0000:
>>> Dear Szymek,
>>>> thank you very much for your answer.
>>>> Yes, the random effects were indicated wrongly in MCMCglmm! My intention
>>>> is of course to look at variance associated with subjects (subj_ID).
>>>> I meant (1 + fin_B|subj_ID), as indicated in glmer() (lme4 package).
>>>> And this should be indicated in MCMCglmm() as random = ~us(1):subj_ID +
>>>> us(fin_B):subj_ID.
>>>> Please, correct me if I am wrong.
>>>> So the model runs with:
>>>> k <- length(levels(fallmid$resp_X))
>>>> I <- diag(k-1)
>>>> J <- matrix(rep(1, (k-1)^2), c(k-1, k-1))
>>>> prior <- list(R = list(fix = 1, V = 0.5 * (I+J), n = 2),
>>>> G = list(G1 = list(V = diag(1), n = 2), G2 = list(V =
>>>> diag(2), n = 2)))
>>>> fallmid.MCMCglmm <- MCMCglmm(resp_X ~ lang * ini_pch + lang * manner +
>>>> lang * fin_B,
>>>> random = ~us(1):subj_ID + us(fin_B):subj_ID,
>>>> family="categorical", data=fallmid,
>>>> prior=prior
>>>> )
>>>> In your suggestion you indicate nu=2.002. What does "nu" mean? What is
>>>> the difference between nu and n? In the MCMCglmm manual and in
>>>> the tutorial
>>>> they are both defined as "degrees of belief". What does this mean?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Maria Paola
>>>> Zitat von Szymek Drobniak <geralttee at gmail.com>:
>>>> Dear Maria,
>>>>> I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to test with your model, but to
>>>>> start with - your prior specification assumes 2 random effects, and your
>>>>> model has only one (a structured covariance matrix with fin_B defined as
>>>>> a
>>>>> random effect). This specification you've provided is similar to a random
>>>>> intercept/slope model - but I can't see why you would like to fit it
>>>>> (most
>>>>> importantly, you assumed that fin_B is both a fixed and random effect).
>>>>> If
>>>>> your intention was to look at variance associated with subjects
>>>>> (subj_ID),
>>>>> and you'd like to see if this variance is heterogeneous for different
>>>>> levels of fin_B - you could fit:
>>>>> MCMCglmm(your_fixed_formula_here, random=~us(fin_B):subj_ID, ...)
>>>>> and the prior would be (assuming fin_B has 2 levels as you've said)
>>>>> list(R=list(V=1, fix=1), G=list(G1=list(V=diag(2),nu=2.002)))
>>>>> that's for start, then have a look at mcmc-series plots to see if it
>>>>> mixes
>>>>> well and tweak your model further if necessary.
>>>>> Cheer
>>>>> szymek
>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Maria Paola Bissiri
>>>> TU Dresden
>>>> Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
>>>> Institut für Akustik und Sprachkommunikation
>>>> 01062 Dresden
>>>> Barkhausen-Bau, Raum S54
>>>> Helmholtzstraße 18
>>>> Tel: +49 (0)351 463-34283
>>>> Fax: +49 (0)351 463-37781
>>>> E-Mail: Maria_Paola.Bissiri at tu-dresden.de
>>>> http://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~bissiri/index.htm
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>>> --
>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>> --
>> Szymon Drobniak, PhD. || Population Ecology Group
>> Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
>> ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, POLAND
>> tel.: +48 12 664 51 79 fax: +48 12 664 69 12
>> szymek.drobniak at uj.edu.pl
>> www.eko.uj.edu.pl/drobniak
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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