[R-sig-ME] starter values

Arndt Kunick AKunick at gmx.de
Wed Nov 20 17:45:49 CET 2013

Thank you for the explanation about SSbiexp!
Primarily I fitted the model in the form below:
fit3 <- lmer(kosten ~ hm + I(hm^2) + np + I(np^2) + (1|j) + (1|o) + (0 + hm*np|o),  d)
The problem was that the quadratic polynomial function for hm and np does not fit well.
It seems that a non-linear model is more suitable in this case.
Is it possible to design a non-linear mixed-effect-model for two fix effects (nlin for hm and np)?
If no, is there an alternative approach?
I would be grateful about every advice or professional knowledge.

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