[R-sig-ME] Model comparison with anova and AIC: p=0 and different AIC-values

Stefan Th. Gries stgries at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 03:30:26 CET 2013


I am trying to do a mixed-effects model analysis on data that were
published with a repeated-measures ANOVA as follows:

summary(aov(OVERLAParcsine ~ USED*SAMPLE + Error(NAME/(USED*SAMPLE))))

In order to first determine the required random-effects structure, I
created the following two models:

m.01a.reml <- lmer(OVERLAParcsine ~ USED*poly(SAMPLE, 2) +
m.01b.reml <- lmer(OVERLAParcsine ~ USED*poly(SAMPLE, 2) +

The problems begin when I try to find out which model accounts for the
data better:
> anova(m.01a.reml, m.01b.reml, test="F")
m.01b.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED + SAMPLE | NAME)
m.01a.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED * SAMPLE | NAME)
           Df     AIC      BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
m.01b.reml 13 -144.74 -115.139 85.368  -170.74
m.01a.reml 17  -21.20   17.503 27.600   -55.20     0      4          1
Warning message:
In optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x at theta, lower = x at lower) :
  convergence code 1 from bobyqa: bobyqa -- maximum number of function
evaluations exceeded

So, there are negative AIC values. Ok, according to
<http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Negative-AIC-td899943.html> and
<http://emdbolker.wikidot.com/faq> this may not be real problematic so
I would go with m.01b.reml because its AIC value is smaller. But the
remaining values are of course also strange, with Chisq=0 because of
the negative difference of the deviance values.

Now, I also used AIC on the models and get results that are different
from the anova comparison above:

> AIC(m.01b.reml)
[1] -120.4052
> AIC(m.01a.reml)
[1] 20.96197

So, two questions:

(i) which AIC-values are correct - anova or AIC?
(ii) so I can't do a p-value based test on which model to use?

Stefan Th. Gries
University of California, Santa Barbara

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