[R-sig-ME] Warning in rankMatrix(X)

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 16:40:28 CEST 2013

Juan Kamienkowski <jkamienk at ...> writes:

> Hi,
> I moved to lmer 1.0-4 and R 3.0.2. Now lmer() and glmer() functions are
> working much slower than before, and I get the following warning message,
> which I suspect is related to that.
> Warning in rankMatrix(X) :
>   rankMatrix(<large sparse Matrix>, method = 'tolNorm2') coerces to dense
> matrix.
>   Probably should rather use  method = 'qrLINPACK' !?
> Do you have any advice on this? Where can I change the method of the
> rankMatrix()?

  This is a known bug, actually in Matrix: we hope to fix it soon,
but it will require a coordinated release of Matrix, RcppEigen,
and lme4.  You can ignore it for now, or use suppressWarnings() if
it's really annoying you (although that will suppress *all* warnings,
so it may not be a good idea).

  Sorry about things slowing down: can you tell us more about your
use case?  Have you tried switching from the default Nelder_Mead to
the (sometimes faster) bobyqa setting?  (see ?lmerControl)

  Ben Bolker

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