[R-sig-ME] predictions to newdata by LMM through lmer (Ben Bolker)

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 05:51:39 CEST 2013

Tetsuya Michinaka <zhangyf at ...> writes:

> Dear Ben Bolker,
> I registered inR-Forge, but I still do not know where to download
>  the development version of the package lme4.

  You don't need to register.

> When I tried "install.packages("lme4",

There was a typo in the README file, fixed now.
This should be getOption("repos")["CRAN"], not getOptions(...)

> When I installed "install_github("lme4",user="lme4")", I also failed.
> Could you please give me some detailed advice?
> Thanks again.

In order to use install_github you need to install the devtools
package *and* all of the developer tools (compilers etc.).

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