[R-sig-ME] standardized parameter estimates in random regression model
Ben Bolker
bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 16:42:00 CEST 2013
tommy gaillard <tommy.gaillard40 at ...> writes:
> Dear all,
> I am currently trying to quantify between-individual differences in
> intercept and slope of vigilance behavior.
> Here is my model:
> model<-lmer(logfreq_vig~logdensity+logbiomasstrue+(1|Idtag),
> na.action=na.omit, data=tabimpala)
> I would need to obtain the value of Vi (estimator of the intercept
> deviation) and Vs (=estimator of the slope deviation)
> with their Confidence
> Interval.
> I have tried the scale function and the lm.beta function
> to standardize
> the variables but it is not working...
> Does someone would have an idea to obtain those values?
You should probably tell us what package the lm.beta function is
from ... sos::findFn() tells me that there are two in contributed packages
(QuantPsyc and scaleCoef). scaleCoef has been archived ...
Looking at what QuantPsyc::lm.beta actually does:
lm.beta <- function (MOD) {
b <- summary(MOD)$coef[-1, 1]
sx <- sapply(MOD$model[-1], sd)
sy <- sapply(MOD$model[1], sd)
beta <- b * sx/sy
The lme4 equivalent steps would be:
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
b <- fixef(fm1)[-1] ## get coefficients except intercept
mf <- model.frame(fm1) ## pull out original data
sx <- sapply(mf[names(b)],sd) ## calc sd of input variables
sy <- sd(mf[[1]]) ## sd of response
Note that this is a bit fragile (as is the original lm.beta()): it assumes
* the model has an intercept
* all the predictors are continuous responses (no factors,
interactions, etc etc)
* the response is stored as the first column of the model frame
It might be worth writing a more robust version of this at some point.
It's good to give reproducible examples of what you want to do
(and specify what's not working -- don't just say "it's not working")
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