[R-sig-ME] LMER False Convergence (8)
Ben Bolker
bbolker at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 00:44:26 CEST 2013
Daniel Anderson <daniela at ...> writes:
> Thanks again Ben, I went ahead and used the zip file from the
> link you sent to install lme4-3. This time I did
> not get the convergence warning. However, the verbose=T
> statement did not appear to work (i.e., it didn't
> print the iteration history). Probably not a big deal,
> but I thought it was odd and wondered if it might also
> not be printing the warning message despite having the same issue.
Well, this is a development version, so there might be something
funny -- I'll check.
> Below, I've placed my results from the same model for all
> three programs: HLM, lme4-2, and lme4-3. I also
> added the correlation between the variance components into
> this table, because with lme4-3 I get an
> estimated correlation between the random student intercept/slope
> of 1.0 (which was not the case with the
> other programs).
> So, at this point I think I'm going to run with lme4-2,
> and just ignore the convergence warning, unless you'd
> suggest otherwise?
That seems perfectly reasonable. Would it be possible for you
to send your data so we can have a look and see what's happening?
(Ideally you could send it in an anonymized form so that we could
use it for tests/examples in future versions of the package, but
for now just having it for private use among the lme4 developers
would be great.)
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