[R-sig-ME] Extracting Standard Errors of Uncorrelated Random Effects?

Derek Dunfield dunfield at mit.edu
Wed Dec 14 20:05:42 CET 2011

Hello all:
I was hoping to extract SE for my random effects to get a better idea
of their precision for each grouping factor.

Andrew Gelman has developed a nice package called "Arm" which does
this seamlessly for models with correlated random effects such as
Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1 + Days | Subject)

When I try to run this on an uncorrelated model such as
Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1 | Subject) + (0 + Days | Subject)

I get the error "Error in .local(object, ...) : Code not written yet"

I believe this may be due to some unfinished code in the lme4 package
for ranef, though I'm not sure.

Does anyone have an idea how I could go about calculating these standard errors?

Many thanks in advance for you help!

Derek Dunfield, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT Intelligence Initiative
Sloan School of Management
MIT Center for Neuroeconomics, Prelec Lab
77 Massachusetts Ave E62-585
Cambridge MA 02139

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