[R-sig-ME] Mixed model and Singularity Error message

Antoine PACCARD antoine.paccard at unine.ch
Thu Dec 8 16:37:45 CET 2011

Dear Mix modelers,

I know that this topic has been discussed in the past but since I  
cannot find any clear answer yet I am sending this message. I am  
runing a simple mix model as:

m1 <- lme(fixed=trich~habitat*site*subsite*treatment, random=~1|fam/ 

and I constantly find this error message:"singularity in backsolve at  
level 0 block 1". I am not sure how to solve the problem. I noticed  
that it arises only when the variable "subsite" is added.
For clarification, all of my fixed effects are factors (excluding  

Could anyone help me with that?

Many thanks,

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