[R-sig-ME] Count GLMM ms and R code

David Atkins datkins at u.washington.edu
Mon Nov 28 20:54:37 CET 2011

Hi all--

With several colleagues we have recently finished off a ms on 
generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) for count outcomes, including 
zero-altered models.  We focus on longitudinal addictions data, but 
hopefully we've written in an accessible way to researchers / data 
analysts in other fields.  The R code focuses primarily on the lme4 and 
MCMCglmm packages (with a nod to a few others).

The (draft) ms, two datasets, and R code can be found:


[last ms listed at bottom of page]

We hope this might be useful generally, but perhaps particularly to 
folks on this list given the R code.

Please let me know if you come across any errors, or have suggestions 
for improvements to code (or ms!).

cheers, Dave

Dave Atkins, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
University of Washington
datkins at u.washington.edu

Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors (CSHRB)		
1100 NE 45th Street, Suite 300 	
Seattle, WA  98105 	

Center for Healthcare Improvement, for Addictions, Mental Illness,
   Medically Vulnerable Populations (CHAMMP)
325 9th Avenue, 2HH-15
Box 359911
Seattle, WA 98104

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