[R-sig-ME] Zhang 2011 (re)analysis

dave fournier davef at otter-rsch.com
Mon Nov 7 21:46:56 CET 2011

A few days ago there was a posting


indicating that a reviewer considered lmer less reliable than SAS NLMIXED.
The source of this distrust was pehaps the
results of the paper Zhang et al. (2011).

    On fitting generalized linear
    mixed-effects models for binary responses
    using different statistical packages

Zhang et al. simulated data from a simple mixed model and used the
Wald statistic to test the hypothesis that the value of one of
the fixed effects parameters
was equal to 1.0. (the true value in the simulations.) They claimed that
the type 1 error rate for lmer was much higher for lmer than for NLMIXED
and much higher than the correct value of 5%.

Type 1 error is when one incorrectly rejects the hypothesis that the true
parameter value is 1.0.

The test consists of taking the parameter estimate -1 divided by its 
std dev and looking at this value squared. If the value is too large the
hypothesis is rejected.  Zhang et al. concluded that the main source of the
large type 1 error for lmer was due to systematic underestimation of the
std dev of the parameter estimate in lmer.

The ensuing discussion raised several issues.

1.) SAS is closed source. (This seems to be a religious problem,
    but it was taken seriously by some.)

2.) Is it due to the Laplace approximation (LA) not being accurate
     enough so that adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature (AGQ) will solve
     the problem.

3.) If 2.) is true since AGQ can only be used for nested models
     this poses a problem with crossed random effects.

It was interesting that while there was a lot of discussion, no one
seemed to want to simply run the simulation and verify or disprove
the results reported in Zhang et al. I  think this is important since
for better or worse a lot of people use the std dev estimate for
calculating p values.  I have repeated some of the work in Zhang et al
and verified their conclution that lmer is unsuitable for this
particular problem.

To deal  with 1.) I compared lmer to AD Model Builder's random effects 
This is open source software so it should be free from religious objections.
AD Model Builder can do both LA and AGQ so that one can get results 
the improvement of say 5 point AGQ over LA.

For the simulations I picked the N=500 case from Zhang et al with the
std dev tau=2 (large variance case).

I simulated 1000 data sets using an R script supplied by Ben Bolker.
I used a small bash shell script to run R 1000 times. This approach makes
it easy to feed the simulated data either into R or the ADMB program.
A random number seed was kept in a file named seed to make it easy to
replicate the results. Initially seed=1000.

For the first set of runs the Laplace approximation was used in both lmer
and ADMB. The result for lmer were 24.7% type 1 error.  The mean of b1 was
0.978, the std dev of the estimate for b1 was 0.203 and the mean of the
estimated std devs was 0.118.
For ADMB the type 1 error rate was 10.2% the mean of b1 was 0.971.
The std dev of the estimates was 0.164 and the mean of the estimated
std devs was 0.140.  So ADMB performed better than lmer. There appears to be
a slight negative bias in the estimates for b1 and the ADMB type 1 error 
is about twice the theoretical value of 5%.
This would appear to support the findings of Zhang et al that lmer
underestimates the std dev of the parameter estimate in this case.

Can these results be improved with adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature?

For the second set of 1000 runs 5 point AGQ was used. For lmer the
type 1 error rate was larger, 31.7%. The mean of b1 was 0.879
so that there appears to be significant bias. The std dev of the
estimates was 0.156 and the mean of the estimated std devs was 0.107.
This seems to indicate that there is some bug in the implementation of
AGQ in lmer.
For ADMB the type 1 error rate was 4.7%. The mean of b1 was 0.971.
The std dev of the estimates was 0.132 and the mean of the estimated
std devs was 0.139. This is close to the estimates reported for
NLMIXED in Zhang et al.


I have included the R code so that anyone should be able to
repeat the r calculations. The ADMB will code is posted on
the ADMB site in the section on R examples.

This is the bash shell script used to run the R simulations.

for i in {1..1000}
  R CMD BATCH ./bolker-par.r

This is the R script bolker-par.r

simfun <- function(n,beta=c(1,1),tau=2.0,
                    Cor=matrix(c(1,0.25,0.25,1),nrow=2)) {
     D <- expand.grid(id=factor(1:n),t=1:3)
     D$x <- rnorm(3*n)  # x_{it} ~ N(0,1)
     X <- model.matrix(~x,data=D)
     Z <- model.matrix(~id-1+id:x,data=D)
     b <- MASS::mvrnorm(n,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=tau^2*Cor)
     D$Y <- rbinom(nrow(D),
                   prob=plogis(X %*% beta + Z %*% c(b)),

   fm <- glmer(Y~  x + ( x|id), data=dat,family=binomial)
     as.vector(sqrt(vcov(fm,useScale = FALSE)[2,2])))
   write(xout,file = "nx",sep = " ", append = TRUE)

Note that the results are accumulated in the file named nx.

This is the bash shell script used to run the ADMB program.

for i in {1..1000}
#  ./simulator
  R CMD BATCH ./bolker-par1.r
  rm analyzer.par
   ../analyzer -mno 10000 -ams 10000000 -noinit
   grep "^ *4 *b" *.std >> b1

ADMB writes the parameter estimates and their est std dev
into a file named analyzer.std. The fourth line is
picked out by grep and appended to the file b1 which holds the
accumulated results.  The data are simulated in R and written
out to a file to be read in by the ADMB program.

This is the R script for the simulator modifed to write out
the simulated data for analysis by ADMB
simfun <- function(n,beta=c(1,1),tau=2.0,
                    Cor=matrix(c(1,0.25,0.25,1),nrow=2)) {
     D <- expand.grid(id=factor(1:n),t=1:3)
     D$x <- rnorm(3*n)  # x_{it} ~ N(0,1)
     X <- model.matrix(~x,data=D)
     Z <- model.matrix(~id-1+id:x,data=D)
     b <- MASS::mvrnorm(n,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=tau^2*Cor)
     D$Y <- rbinom(nrow(D),
                   prob=plogis(X %*% beta + Z %*% c(b)),


   sdat=dat[sort.list(dat[,1]), ]
   write("#n", file = "analyzer.dat", sep = " ", append = FALSE)
   write(n, file = "analyzer.dat", sep = " ", append = TRUE)
   write("#x", file = "analyzer.dat", sep = " ", append = TRUE)
   write(sdat$x, file = "analyzer.dat", sep = " ", append = TRUE)

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