[R-sig-ME] Efficiency of random and fixed effects estimators

John Maindonald john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
Sat Aug 27 12:45:51 CEST 2011



> anova(reg.fe1)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: happy
                        Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
factor(obs)               1   2.30   2.303   2.4389    0.1216
factor(d)                 1 124.96 124.956 132.3367 < 2.2e-16
C(factor(id), contr.sum) 98 342.33   3.493   3.6996 2.067e-10
factor(obs):factor(d)     1 103.91 103.906 110.0435 < 2.2e-16
Residuals                98  92.53   0.944      

In the random effects analysis, the random effects term (1|id) accounts 
for the whole of the line 
"C(factor(id), contr.sum) 98 342.33   3.493   3.6996 2.067e-10"
from the fixed effects analysis.  Sure, there is just one  component of variance 
to estimate, but it is estimated starting from a 'stratum' variance that requires 98df
to estimate.  You might look up a book on the analysis if designed experiments
to get the idea.

John Maindonald             email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

On 27/08/2011, at 2:20 PM, Daniel Malter wrote:

> John, 
> Thanks for your reply. I understand why this example generates the same coefficients. My main question was why the degrees of freedom are exactly the same for the RE and the FE models in this example. My understanding was that RE estimates the variance parameter of the normal distribution that describes the random effects u(i) and, therefore, uses one degree of freedom total. By contrast, the FE estimator uses n-1 degrees of freedom to estimate the fixed effects. What you are saying seems to indicate instead that both use n-1 degrees of freedom to estimate the individual effects u(i) and a(i), respectively. I'd be interested in learning why the degrees of freedom are exactly the same for the RE and FE models here. I would greatly appreciate if you could clarify where my obvious mistake in thinking about the DFs the RE estimator uses lies.
> Thanks much,
> Daniel
> ________________________________________
> From: John Maindonald [john.maindonald at anu.edu.au]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 5:07 AM
> To: Daniel Malter
> Cc: r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] Efficiency of random and fixed effects estimators
> In the following, reg.fe1 is parameterised a bit differently, to make its output
> more directly comparable with that from the random effects model reg.re1
> (also I have reordered the terms so that the aliased parameter is that
> associated with a level (as it happens, the 99th) of id)
> reg.fe1<-lm(happy~factor(obs)*factor(d)+factor(id))
> summary(reg.fe1)
> reg.fe1<-lm(happy~factor(obs)*factor(d)+C(factor(id),contr.sum))
> summary(reg.fe1)
> Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
>                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> (Intercept)                 0.01593    0.69578   0.023 0.981781
> factor(obs)1               -1.63826    0.20978  -7.809 6.46e-12
> factor(d)1                  0.10152    1.20867   0.084 0.933233
> . . . .
> factor(obs)1:factor(d)1     3.11316    0.27787  11.204  < 2e-16
>                       Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)              0.11537    0.22373   0.516
> factor(obs)1            -1.63826    0.20978  -7.809
> factor(d)1              -0.07294    0.29634  -0.246
> factor(obs)1:factor(d)1  3.11316    0.27787  11.204
> The parameters factor(obs)1 and factor(obs)1:factor(d)1 are estimated in the stratum
> of individual observations (2 observations per id). Note that factor(obs)1:factor(d)1
> is the difference of level 2 of obs from level 1 of obs at the second level of d.
> Hence the random effects analysis gives estimates that are exactly the same, with
> the same SEs, as for the fixed effects analysis.  Degrees of freedom are also exactly
> the same.
> The parameter factor(d) contrasts individuals (2 observations each) exposed to one
> type of movie with those exposed to the other type.  Variation between individuals
> now comes into play.  The SE (really an SED) for the random effects analysis is now
> very substantially greater than the (seriously biased downwards) SE for the fixed
> effects analysis.  The random variation added in base.happy<-rep(rnorm(100),each=2)
> now comes into play, in addition to the random variation associated with individual
> observations, added in happy<-base.happy+1.5*d*obs+rnorm(200).
> John Maindonald             email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
> phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
> Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
> John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
> Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.
> http://www.maths.anu.edu.au/~johnm
> On 23/08/2011, at 2:06 PM, Daniel Malter wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am statistically confused tonight. When the assumptions to a random effects estimator are warranted, the random effects estimator should be the more efficient estimator than the fixed effects estimator because it uses fewer degrees of freedom (estimating just the variance parameter of the normal rather than using one df for each included fixed effect). Consequently, the standard errors of the coefficients should be smaller in random than in fixed effects estimation, I thought, provided that RE assumptions are warranted. However, I do not find this to be the case in this simulated example.
>> For the sake of the example, assume you measure subjects' happiness before exposing them to a happy or sad movie, and then you measure their happiness again after watching the movie. Here, "id" marks the subject, "obs" marks the pre- and post-treatment observations of a subject, "d" is the treatment indicator (whether the subject watched the happy or sad movie), "base.happy" is the ~N(0,1)-distributed individual effect a(i), happy is the measured happiness for each subject pre- and post-treatment, respectively, and the error term u(i,t) is also distributed ~N(0,1).
>> id<-rep(c(1:100),each=2)
>> obs<-rep(c(0:1),100)
>> d<-rep(sample(c(-1,1),100,replace=T),each=2)
>> base.happy<-rep(rnorm(100),each=2)
>> happy<-base.happy+1.5*d*obs+rnorm(200)
>> data<-data.frame(id,obs,d,happy)
>> # Now run the random and fixed effects models
>> require(lme4)
>> require(plm)
>> reg.re1<-lmer(happy~factor(obs)*factor(d)+(1|id))
>> summary(reg.re1)
>> reg.re2<-plm(happy~factor(obs)*factor(d),index=c('id','obs'),model="random",data=data)
>> summary(reg.re2)
>> reg.fe1<-lm(happy~factor(id)+factor(obs)*factor(d))
>> summary(reg.fe1)
>> reg.fe2<-plm(happy~factor(obs)*factor(d),index=c('id','obs'),model="within",data=data)
>> summary(reg.fe2)
>> I am confused why FE and RE models are virtually equally efficient in this case. Can somebody lift my confusion?
>> Thanks much,
>> Daniel
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