[R-sig-ME] What is the state of th "Development version"?

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Fri Jul 22 19:12:57 CEST 2011

Douglas Bates <bates at ...> writes:

> After the flood of CRAN updates Dirk will upload Rcpp_0.9.5 then
> RcppEigen_0.1.2 and finally I will be able to make lme4Eigen
> available.

Thanks for your comments intricacies of developing such a huge application are
always worth a reading. My question was a bit simpler:

You once (May 2009) sent me version lme4_0.999375-40.tar.gz, which did the job I
needed, but was not mainstream. I have to reproduce a report I did with it, and
wanted to be sure that this version is still acceptable. 

I would have tried it more seriously, but that version does not work with
current Matrix implementation. I could resort to a separate installation with an
older version of Matrix in case I can find it.


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