[R-sig-ME] Spatial repeated measures zero-inflated continuous

Emilio A. Laca ealaca at ucdavis.edu
Sun Sep 11 22:45:41 CEST 2011

Data consists of continuous response y and covariates X measured on a grid (ca. 1000 cells) eight times (4 seasons x 2 years). First cut suggested is ZI continuous response with random effects for cells*times and spatially correlated residuals. Fixed effects include covariates and season. Assume no temporal correlation of residuals.

I looked at cozigam and glmm.admb, but they do not seem to handle all conditions. I would appreciate comments and suggestions.

Than you.

Emilio A. Laca
Plant Sciences, UC Davis
(530) 754-4083
(530) 220-5315

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