[R-sig-ME] Help to Plot augPred
Fernanda Balbino
ferbalbino at yahoo.com.br
Mon Sep 12 20:36:14 CEST 2011
Dear list,
I need help to plot the graph augPred of a lme adjustment. I'm using the code below for adjust lme for the data "dados":
da <- read.table("dados.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=",")
ajuste <- lapply(split(da, da$Temp), function (a){
mm0 <- lme(modulo~sqrt(Freq)+I(Freq^2), random=~1|bloco,data=a)
lapply(ajuste, summary)
lapply(ajuste, ranef)
But when I try to plot augPred the R program send me an error message, I'm trying this:
plot(augPred(ajuste$Temp[[1]], level=c(0,1))
Can you help me find the right way to do the plot using augPred for this case?
Thank you in advance for any help,
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