[R-sig-ME] AIC in nlmer

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 17:59:33 CEST 2011

Helen Sofaer <helen at ...> writes:

>  Dear modelers,
>  I have been using nlmer to fit a logistic function with random effects, 
>  and I’d like to use AIC values to compare models with different random 
>  effect structures. I’ve noticed that I get wildly different AIC values 
>  (e.g. delta AIC values of over 100) when I build models with the random 
>  effect on different parameters. In my dataset, this occurs with both the 
>  Laplace approximation and when using adaptive quadrature. In the example 
>  Orange dataset, this occurs most clearly with the Laplace 
>  transformation. Is this due to false convergence? Are there any known 
>  issues with AIC in nlmer, even when using nAGQ >1?

  I'm working on this, but a quick answer just to get back to you:
I suspect this is a bug in nlmer.

  The Details section of ?nlmer says:

"... the ‘nAGQ’ argument only applies to calls to ‘glmer’."

  However, this doesn't in practice seem to be true -- nlmer
is doing *something* different when nAGQ>1 ... more disturbingly,
the answer from AGQ=5 agrees with nlme (which in the absence of
other evidence I would take to be correct).  lme4 thinks it got a 
slightly better answer than nlme, but that may be due to a difference 
in the way the log-likelihoods are calculated (i.e. different additive

        nlme lme4_Laplace    lme4_AGQ5 
   -131.5846    -945.3120    -129.8548 

  Coefficients shown below (extracted using some code I've been
extending from stuff in the arm package; it's the same information 
as in summary(), just a bit more compact).

  The fixed effect estimates are all pretty much the same
(not quite trivial differences, but all << the standard error)

  If I were you, until this gets sorted out, I would definitely
use nlme (which is much better tested), unless you need something
nlmer supplies (e.g. crossed random efffects, speed?).  

 Thanks for the report: while I will probably only be poking around
the edges of this, I will presume on behalf of Doug Bates to encourage
you to keep reporting issues, and to check back if you don't see
any improvements coming out.

  In the meantime, I have two reading suggestions.  On AIC:

Greven, Sonja, and Thomas Kneib. 2010. “On the Behaviour of Marginal
and Conditional Akaike Information Criteria in Linear Mixed Models.”
Biometrika 97 (4):
773-789. <http://www.bepress.com/jhubiostat/paper202/>.

  They focus slightly more on conditional AIC (rather than the
marginal AICs which nlme/lme4 report), while I think the marginal
AIC is more applicable to your case, but they give a nice discussion
of the issues with AIC in the mixed-model case.

  Also, if you're interested in reading more about the particular
case of the orange trees, Madsen and Thyre have a nice section at the

Madsen, Henrik, and Poul Thyregod. 2010. Introduction to General and
Generalized Linear Models. 1st ed. CRC Press.

    Ben Bolker

     Estimate Std. Error
Asym 191.0501     16.154
xmid 722.5598     35.152
scal 344.1687     27.148
4     31.4826         NA
5      7.8463         NA

             Estimate Std. Error
Asym          192.041    104.086
xmid          727.891     31.966
scal          347.968     24.416
sd.Tree.Asym  232.349         NA
sd.resid        7.271         NA

             Estimate Std. Error
Asym          192.059     15.585
xmid          727.934     34.443
scal          348.092     26.310
sd.Tree.Asym   31.647         NA
sd.resid        7.843         NA

>  The major problem I’ve had with these AIC values is that the relative 
>  AIC values don’t seem to always agree with the estimated RE standard 
>  deviations. For example, using the orange tree data, running a model 
>  with a random effect of tree identity on both the asymptote and on the 
>  scale parameter shows that the RE on the scale parameter does not 
>  explain any additional variance in the data. However, the AIC value for 
>  this model is lower (AIC = 250.2) than for the model with a RE only on 
>  the asymptote (AIC = 269.7). This is typical of what I have seen with my 
>  dataset, where the biological inference drawn from the estimates does 
>  not agree with the relative AIC values. I recognize that it may be a 
>  stretch to fit multiple random effects in this tiny Orange dataset, but 
>  I see the same issues using a much larger dataset.
>  I have included the code for the orange data below.
>  Thank you for your input,
>  Helen
>  Helen Sofaer
>  PhD Candidate in Ecology
>  Colorado State University
>  Orange_Asym <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ 
>  Asym|Tree, data = Orange, start = c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350), 
>  verbose = TRUE, nAGQ = 5)
>  summary(Orange_Asym)
>  # adaptive quad: AIC = 269.7
>  # Laplace: AIC = 1901
>  Orange_scal <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ 
>  scal|Tree, data = Orange, start = c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350), 
>  verbose = TRUE, nAGQ = 5)
>  summary(Orange_scal)
>  # adaptive quad: AIC = 314.4
>  # Laplace: AIC = 8927
>  Orange_Ascal <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ 
>  (scal|Tree) + (Asym|Tree), data = Orange, start = c(Asym = 200, xmid = 
>  725, scal = 350), verbose = TRUE, nAGQ = 5)
>  summary(Orange_Ascal)
>  # adaptive quad: AIC = 250.2
>  # Laplace: AIC = 1574
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