[R-sig-ME] prior specification in MCMCglmm
Celine Teplitsky
teplitsky at mnhn.fr
Mon Apr 25 13:26:04 CEST 2011
Dear all,
I realise that Jarrod is doing field work, but I'm really hoping someone
can answer my question while he's not around.
I am running animal models estimating covariances between life history
traits, and I'm having trouble knowing which prior to use.
Thing is, if I use a prior as described on the Wam wiki site with
V=PhenotypicVar/4 (as I have 3 random effects + residual), I have very
nice results, with some significant genetic correlations between some
life history traits.
However, one reviewer asked about prior sensitivity because CI were
pretty large, so I went back to MCMCglmm course notes and saw that non
informative prior were supposed to be V=diag(nbDimV)*0 and n=nbDimV-3.
This led to an error message about G being ill conditioned, so I tried
with diag(nbDimV)*0.001 and diag(nbDimV)*0.01 instead of diag(nbDimV)*0,
and diag(nbDimV)*0.01 worked... But then I have the posterior of
additive genetic variance collapsing on 0 for some trait. So my guess
would be that I should use those latest priors, and believe my nice
results did not exist. But as Hadfield et al paper and the Wam wiki
website do not recommend those priors, I am a bit confused. Could
someone help me figure out what would be the right thing to do?
All my apologies if this is a silly question, but I'm feeling a bit lost
Thanks a lot in advance
Celine Teplitsky
Département Ecologie et Gestion de la Biodiversité UMR 7204
Unité Conservation des Espèces, Restauration et Suivi des Populations
Case Postale 51
55 rue Buffon 75005 Paris
Webpage : http://www2.mnhn.fr/cersp/spip.php?rubrique96
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