[R-sig-ME] mysterious syntax error in call to nlmer
Jacob Wegelin
jacobwegelin at fastmail.fm
Tue Apr 5 22:08:40 CEST 2011
Thank you for the solution. Below the example is reproduced with your code (which makes it work), plus code to compare the fitted values graphically.
I removed the lme4 portion has been removed, since zero variance for xshift is wrong. Why does lmer{lme4} return such an estimate? Is there something wrong with the way we called lmer?
Your tangential question is answered below.
N<-100; nIDs<-20
X<-seq(1,19, length=N)
Y<-sin(X) + rnorm(N)/10
## I have a silly tangential question. Why put the commas
## on the next line? I haven't seen this convention much before,
## but it has started appearing on this list. In general it
## makes much more sense to me (and occasionally makes a
## difference) to put connectors (commas, arithmetic operators etc.)
## at the end of the previous line rather than the beginning of
## the next ...
## Answer: I edit these files in vim. With vim, I can easily
## delete a line or put a # in front of a line to comment it out.
## See the "junk" line commented out below for example.
## If the commas had been at the end of the line, I would have had
## to remember to delete the comma at the end of the previous line.
## With parentheses around the entire expression, + , - * are not
## needed at the end of lines to show that more is to come.
, amplitude=1+ rnorm(nIDs)/9
, frequency =1+rnorm(nIDs)/10
, xshift =runif(nIDs) * pi
# , junk=wrong_idea
rownames( trueRandomEffects)<- IDs
mdoot<- DAT<-data.frame(ID=IDs[1], X=X, Y=Y)
for(thisperson in IDs[-1]) {
nextOne$Y<- (
+ trueRandomEffects[thisperson,"amplitude"]
* sin(
trueRandomEffects[thisperson,"frequency"] * X
- trueRandomEffects[thisperson,"xshift"]
+ rnorm(N)/10
nextOne$ID<- thisperson
mdoot<-rbind( mdoot, nextOne)
attr(mdoot, "ranef")<-trueRandomEffects
Y ~ xintercept + amplitude * sin( frequency * X - xshift),
start=list(xintercept=1, amplitude=1.5, frequency=1, xshift=pi/2)
parnames <- c("xintercept","amplitude","frequency","xshift")
dd <- deriv(expression(xintercept + amplitude *
sin( frequency * X - xshift)),
namevec=parnames, function.arg=c(parnames,"X"))
roop2 <-nlme( Y ~ dd(xintercept,amplitude,frequency,xshift,X),
fixed = xintercept + amplitude + frequency + xshift ~ 1,
random = xshift~1|ID,
start=c(xintercept=1, amplitude=1.5,
frequency=1, xshift=pi/2)
mdoot$nlmefit0<-predict(roop2 , level=0)
mdoot$nlmefit1<-predict(roop2 , level=1)
, mapping=aes(x=X, y=nlsfit)
, geom="point"
, geom_params=list(color="red")
# print(ggplot() + layernlsfit)
, mapping=aes(x=X, y=nlmefit0)
, geom="line"
, geom_params=list(lwd=2)
# print(ggplot() + layerFixFit)
data=mdoot[mdoot$ID < 6, ]
, mapping=aes(x=X, y=nlmefit1, group=ID, color=ID)
, geom="line"
, geom_params=list(lty=2)
# print(ggplot() + layerRanFit)
+ layerFixFit
+ layerRanFit
+ layernlsfit
+ scale_y_continuous(name="fitted value")
## Back to the tangential question:
## Note how easy it would be with a single # at the start of a line
## to remove one of the layers--without ever touching an electronic
## mouse and without deleting + marks.
Jacob A. Wegelin
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Virginia Commonwealth University
730 East Broad Street Room 3006
P. O. Box 980032
Richmond VA 23298-0032
E-mail: jacobwegelin at fastmail.fm
URL: http://www.people.vcu.edu/~jwegelin
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011, Ben Bolker wrote:
> Jacob Wegelin <jacobwegelin at ...> writes:
> Thank you for your very clear and reproducible example!
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