[R-sig-ME] Extracting Information from nlme ( )

Jeffrey Harring harring at umd.edu
Fri Feb 18 22:13:00 CET 2011


Is there a function or nlme object that allows one to extract the 
standard errors of the variance/covariance parameters within nlme ( ). 
For example, I would like to extract the SE's for the 
variance/covariance matrix of the random effects (which is a 2 by 2). I 
can get the actual parameters, but I am having difficulty extracting 
these parameters SE's.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Thank you,

Jeffrey R. Harring, Assistant Professor
Department of Measurement, Statistics&  Evaluation (EDMS)
1230 Benjamin Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1115

Phone: 	301.405.3630
Fax: 	301.314.9245
Email: 	harring at umd.edu
Web:  	http://www.education.umd.edu/EDMS/fac/Harring/webpage.html

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