[R-sig-ME] glmmADMB probelm

Thomas Merkling Thomas.Merkling at cict.fr
Fri Jan 21 16:58:55 CET 2011

Dear list members,

I tried to use the glmmADMB package to fit a zeroinflated negative 
binomial mixed model, but I got these error message.
Do you have an idea of what happened ?
I'm using R 2.12.1 ...
R ran during more than 10 hours before giving this error message.

maximum number of depdendent variables of 200 exceeded
use gradient_structure::set_NUM_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES(int i);
to increase the number of dependent variables
Erreur dans glmm.admb(Nb ~ SexChick * EggRank * Age, group = "Nest", 
random = ~Nestcol,  :
   The function maximizer failed
De plus : Messages d'avis :
1: l'exécution de la commande 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c 
-maxfn 500 ' renvoie un statut 1
2: In shell(cmd, invisible = TRUE) :
-maxfn 500 ' execution failed with error code 1

Thanks by advance !

Thomas Merkling, Doctorant (PhD Student)

Laboratoire "Evolution et Diversité Biologique" -EDB
UMR 5174 - bât 4R3 b2 - bureau 226

Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
118, route de Narbonne

Tél: 33 5-61-55-67-58
Fax: 33 5-61-55-73-27

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