[R-sig-ME] Satterthwaite´s df in lme

Flores-de-Gracia, Eric eef201 at exeter.ac.uk
Thu Feb 24 19:05:50 CET 2011

Hi all.

I am just running a lme model and found some criticism regarding the fact that DF appears just as integers.

What are the implications of this, in terms of reporting those DF and the reliability of my model when other packages like SPSS that do mixel models reports on DF based on Satterthwait´s correction?
My data set is unbalanced, so should I expect this to affect the calculation of DF using lme?

Hope for your comments and help.

Eric Flores De Gracia
School of Biosciences
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9EZ
United Kingdom
Mobilephone: +044 07552065048

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