[R-sig-ME] Non normal random effects

Gustavo Betini betinig at uoguelph.ca
Mon Nov 29 16:02:45 CET 2010

Lets say that I want to look at the interaction between Species and some other variable...Temperature. The right specification would be 

(Temperature|Species) + (Temperature|Station:Species) 

or simply 

(1|Species) + (Temperature|Station:Species) 


Gustavo S. Betini 
Dept. of Integrative Biology 
University of Guelph, Canada 

On 10-11-27 12:04 PM, Douglas Bates wrote: 

Just in terms of the model specification, do you really mean
(1|Species/Station)?  That expands to

 (1|Species) + (1|Species:Station)

and wouldn't reduce to (1|Station) in a model specification.  I think
you meant "species within station", which would be written as
(1|Station/Species) although I prefer the more explicit form
(1|Station) + (1|Station:Species)

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