[R-sig-ME] [R-sig-eco] LRT tests in lmer

Chris Mcowen cm744 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Wed Aug 11 18:44:57 CEST 2010


> are all 5's for example associated with a single fixed factor, or something like this?

The ordinal response are categorical - different levels of threat, however they can be successfully used as a continuous response ( Purvis, Mace etc) they are not associated with any of the fixed factors, i am trying to use the fixed factors (life history traits) to predict the ordinal response. 

I shall have a play with the priors as 
> G1=list(V=1, nu=1, alpha.mu=0, alpha.V=1000)

Has improved things, but not greatly



Intercept)              -0.23325 -2.89744  2.83429    793.1 0.884  
STOStorage organ         -0.04486 -0.28088  0.23706   1306.4 0.722  
BSUnisexual flower        0.21329 -0.11396  0.52257    861.1 0.206  
BSUnisexual plant         0.33547 -0.04818  0.75086    806.5 0.122  
PDBiotic                  0.28292 -0.13199  0.63020    599.1 0.184  
PDMammalia               -0.46017 -2.15330  1.44028    862.8 0.640  
FRNon_fleshy_fruit       -0.22784 -0.54680  0.10850    764.5 0.192  
ENDNon_endospermous       0.44173  0.10830  0.74418    747.8 0.016 *
WOWoody                  -0.22039 -0.59506  0.11227    631.0 0.252  
RGTwo+                   -0.04816 -0.24944  0.15221    816.4 0.666  
SEAHapaxanthic           -1.53904 -4.55702  1.67797    688.6 0.330  
SEAHapaxanthic            0.18037 -1.72087  2.27258    796.5 0.800  
SEAPerennial             -0.07601 -0.44810  0.33258    926.0 0.712  
SEAPleonanthic           -0.14699 -1.14695  0.81452    723.9 0.748  
ALTHigh                  -0.13191 -0.46780  0.22911    725.0 0.452  
ALTLow                   -0.17699 -0.51173  0.10969    772.8 0.292  
ALTMid                    0.06855 -0.21312  0.41342    882.1 0.684  
BIOBoreal                 1.74800 -1.18782  4.72759    782.0 0.242  
BIOMediterranean-type     2.08074 -0.62533  5.05527    780.1 0.140  
BIOSubantarctic           2.17686 -1.13669  5.24883    806.7 0.180  
BIOSubarctic              2.39551 -0.91077  5.41454    839.1 0.138  
BIOSubtropical/Tropical   2.31132 -0.36795  5.24304    791.5 0.110  
BIOTemperate              2.29529 -0.41744  5.18185    795.5 0.104  
SEFew-Several             1.86331 -0.57544  4.01647    732.1 0.106  
SENumerous                0.20823 -0.14937  0.57547    851.4 0.226  
SESeveral                 0.66868 -0.13298  1.45685    894.6 0.102  
SESingle                  0.42408  0.07265  0.80295    872.5 0.022 *
FSZygomorphic             0.01505 -0.22554  0.27481    760.5 0.908

On 11 Aug 2010, at 17:34, Jarrod Hadfield wrote:

Hi Chris,

The model syntax looks reasonable but there seems to be some large posterior means (outside of the 95% credible range). I bet plot(model$VCV) looks pretty horrible too. You need to  consider using proper priors in this instance because the chain is getting stuck at zero for long periods of time and generating numerical problems. I tend to use parameter expanded priors more and more as they improve mixing and seem to be only weakly informative. For example: G1=list(V=1, nu=1, alpha.mu=0, alpha.V=1000) ....  There is also the possibility that you have complete separation as you have a lot of fixed effects and many levels in the ordinal response - are all 5's for example associated with a single fixed factor, or something like this?


On 11 Aug 2010, at 17:20, Chris Mcowen wrote:

> Sorry about the formatting,
> i was not going to use P values for model selection, rather the DIC value
> Iterations = 12991
> Thinning interval  = 3001
> Sample size  = 1000
> DIC: 3171.501
> G-structure:  ~order
>    post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
> order      7720 4.023e-13  0.09208     1000
>             ~fam:fam
>      post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
> fam:fam   4092456 2.376e-12  0.02938     1000
> R-structure:  ~units
>    post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
> units         1        1        1        0
> Location effects: IUCN ~ STO + BS + PD + FR + END + WO + RG + SEA + ALT + BIO + SE + FS
>                       			post.mean   l-95% CI   u-95% 		CI eff.samp pMCMC
> (Intercept)              		39.065870  -3.510793   2.407406   1000.0 		0.776
> STOStorage organ        	 -0.004916  -0.299409   0.230731    757.2		 0.946
> BSUnisexual flower       	 0.211852  -0.131660   0.548879    708.0 		0.212
> BSUnisexual plant         	0.370895   0.003567   0.817429    770.3 		0.070 .
> PDBiotic                  		0.381261   0.054626   0.724368    774.4 		0.040 *
> PDMammalia               		26.364377  -2.139720   1.397539   1000		.0 0.724
> FRNon_fleshy_fruit       	-0.208198  -0.536699   0.083012    964.2 		0.202
> ENDNon_endospermous   0.503829   0.200868   0.822120    591.7 		0.004 **
> WOWoody                  		-0.203632  -0.565069   0.139240    857.5 		0.272
> RGTwo+                   		-0.052508  -0.250675   0.163811    831.8 		0.588
> SEAHapaxanthic           	-1.344993  -4.504625   1.848373    890.4 		0.406
> SEAHapaxanthic          	  0.223060  -1.590483   2.012970    785.9 		0.800
> SEAPerennial             		-0.097971  -0.460607   0.304681    849.9 		0.580
> SEAPleonanthic       	       -0.069756  -0.813837   0.704066    969.4 		0.872
> ALTHigh                 		 -0.129331  -0.483238   0.200436   1000.0 		0.472
> ALTLow                  		 -0.171467  -0.514753   0.121200    842.9 		0.316
> ALTMid                   		 0.068307  -0.227978   0.379701    814.9 		0.660
> BIOBoreal                 		1.785916  -1.222387   4.769563    860.2 		0.254
> BIOMediterranean-type     2.105530  -0.888236   4.786029    817.9 		0.156
> BIOSubantarctic           	2.214561  -0.888921   5.239470    841.3 		0.190
> BIOSubarctic            		  2.441894  -0.667793   5.677992    849.5 		0.142
> BIOSubtropical/Tropical     2.336425  -0.660675   4.899198    928.3 		0.124
> BIOTemperate             		 2.315834  -0.761101   4.826330    809.2 		0.132
> SEFew-Several           		146.220538  -0.620787   3.933475   1000.0 		0.172
> SENumerous              	  	0.206148  -0.117869   0.572987    734.9 		0.236
> SESeveral                 		0.626675  -0.236956   1.456895    881.7 		0.134
> SESingle                		  0.399690   0.030041   0.779923    709.8 		0.032 *
> FSZygomorphic            	 0.032334  -0.215194   0.265597    355.7 		0.814
> ---
> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> Cutpoints:
>                   post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
> cutpoint.traitIUCN.1    0.6593   0.5211    0.793    48.46
> cutpoint.traitIUCN.2    2.4694   2.2952    2.663    41.37
> cutpoint.traitIUCN.3    3.6258   3.4220    3.827    38.02
> cutpoint.traitIUCN.4    4.1156   3.9166    4.341    52.46
> On 11 Aug 2010, at 17:15, Jarrod Hadfield wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you give summary(model) with the new version (2.05) - it will be easier to see what is going on?
> Jarrod
> On 11 Aug 2010, at 17:08, Chris Mcowen wrote:
>> Hi Jarrord,
>> I have tried using MCMCglmm, however the posterior distributions of the majority of the fixed factors straddle 0, which i have read is a problem, likely with the priors.
>> HPDintervals - https://files.me.com/chrismcowen/wqq1lu
>> prior=list(R=list(V=1, fix=1), G=list(G1=list(V=1, nu=0), G2=list(V=1, nu=0)))
>> So i am unsure how to interpret the results, as to ascertain the importance of each factor.
>> Unfortunately i don't know enough about baysian statistics or R to alter my model so the interpretations become clearer.
>> An example
>>                          			lower      		upper
>> (Intercept)             			-3.510792767 	2.40740650
>> STOStorage organ        	-0.299408836 	0.23073133
>> BSUnisexual flower      	-0.131660436 	0.54887912
>> BSUnisexual plant       	 0.003566637 	0.81742862
>> PDBiotic                			 0.054625970 	0.72436838
>> PDMammalia              		-2.139720264 	1.39753939
>> On 11 Aug 2010, at 16:37, Jarrod Hadfield wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> It is hard to say as it will depend on the fixed effects. In addition its not clear whether such a situation is diagnostic of a problem.  Imagine you just have an intercept which is estimated to be exactly zero. The residuals on the data scale will be either 0.5 or -0.5, but this does not imply the model is wrong.
>> Cheers,
>> Jarrod
>> On 11 Aug 2010, at 15:41, Chris Mcowen wrote:
>>> Thats great thanks,
>>> But will this work where you have a binary response variable or will the residuals clump around 1 and 0?
>>> Chris
>>> On 11 Aug 2010, at 15:31, Ben Bolker wrote:
>>> On 10-08-11 10:21 AM, Chris Mcowen wrote:
>>>> Dear Ben/Rob.
>>>>> As far as I can tell, the standard advice is simply to look at the predictions of the model, compare them with the data, and try to spot any systematic patterns in the residuals.
>>>> I have plotted the residuals of my model - https://files.me.com/chrismcowen/v586vx
>>>> I have been made aware that  that lmer uses the random effects in its  prediction ( Jarrord Hadfield). And this is reflected in the residual plot with the the long lines of equal residuals all belonging  to the same family - i.e 200 - 600 is the orchid family and 650-100 is the grass family.
>>>> So is there a work around with a glmm?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Chris
>>> If you want to do population-level predictions from a GLMM (i.e. setting all random effects to zero), the basic recipe is to (1) construct a model (design) matrix for the desired sets of predictor variables (if you want to the predict the observed data rather than some other set, you can just extract the model matrix from the fitted object); (2) multiply it by the vector of fixed effect coefficients; (3) transform it back to the scale of the observations with the inverse link function.  There's an example on p. 6 of http://glmm.wdfiles.com/local--files/examples/Owls.pdf ...
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