[R-sig-ME] Start values for glmer: Bug?

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Mon Apr 26 22:46:56 CEST 2010

Adam D. I. Kramer wrote:
> Hello,
>  	I'm fitting a model something like this:
> s1d2.s <- glmer(chosen ~ rating + option + option2 + rating:option +
> rating:option2 + (distNum|studyID), data=cc2, family=binomial)
> ...pretty straightforward. Of course, it doesn't converge...boo. So I turn
> on verbose, and see that it's starting with some really improbable values. 
> So I plug in some start values from other similar matrices that fit and some
> good guesses, and it chugs along and finishes, but gives me a warning I do
> not understand.
> These are my start values:
>> arg
> [[1]]
>              (Intercept) distNum
> (Intercept)         1.9     0.0
> distNum            -0.1     0.5
>> fe
>     (Intercept)         rating         option        option2  rating:option
>         -7.5000         1.1000        -0.3000         0.0090         0.0500 
> rating:option2        distNum     condition1     condition2
>         -0.0025         0.2000         0.1000         0.1000
> ...this is my call:
> s1d2.s <- glmer(chosen ~ rating + option + option2 + rating:option +
> rating:option2 + (distNum|studyID), data=cc2, family=binomial, verbose=TRUE,
> start=list(ST=arg,fixef=fe[1:6]))
> ...and this is the eventual completion, with the warning message I do not
> understand:
>   65:     1633.7847:  2.71240 0.719770 -0.228343 -8.32184  1.56395 -0.0683526
> 0.00144433 0.0226594 -0.000315729
> Warning message:
> In sort(names(start)) == sort(names(FL)) :
>    longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> ...the first-round verbose output does indeed use my provided start values,
> in the right order. The summary table, eventually, also uses names(fe)
> instead of the actual variable names passed to glmer...which I would argue
> is inappropriate behavior. But it's the problem with the length of the names
> of `start` that has me confused.
> The help page says that I should be passing a list with items ST and fixef,
> and I'm doing that, and it's working...
> Advice?

  Provide a reproducible example?
  (Not really meant to be snarky.  lme4 is still fairly bleeding-edge,
and it's quite possible that you have exposed a bug of some sort, but
without digging into it it's hard to tell.)



  and see what's going on (the test causing the warning is in the first
line of this function).

  In fact, digging around further suggests that this is indeed a bug I'm
not sure I've correctly reconstructed the logic of the test, which is

  if (is.list(start) && all(sort(names(start)) == sort(names(FL))))
        start <- list(ST = start)

 FL comes from a call to lmerFactorList, which returns a list with
elements "trms" (terms), "fl" (factor list), and "dims" (dimensions &
auxiliary information).  Based on the logic of the help page, it seems
that perhaps the test should be

if (is.list(start) && length(start)==length(FL$fl) &&
all(sort(names(start)) == sort(names(FL$fl))))
        start <- list(ST = start)


    Ben Bolker

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