[R-sig-ME] Quasilikelihood considered harmful? was: Examples of GLMM fits?

John Maindonald john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
Tue Mar 9 03:22:07 CET 2010

It was at one time possible to associate one random effect with each
observation.  This is an entirely respectable model.

It was allowed in lme4a last time that I used it.  It is not however 
allowed in the version of lme4 that is currently on my computer.  

The one random effect per observation model is a different model 
from any model that might be postulated to generate the quasipoisson 
variance.  On the scale of the linear predictor, a normal variance 
component is added.  The quasipoisson error increases the variance, 
on the scale of the response, by a constant multiplier.  As the source 
of the extra variance is specified precisely, the glmer one random 
effect per observation model is nicer.  Whether it gives a better account
of the data is a separate issue!

It seems to me that it would be very messy to try to incorporate a 
quasipoisson variance into the context of a GLMM model.  One would 
need, I surmise, an explicit form of model for the extra variance.

The lme4a calculation went like this:

[Dependencies create problems for loading DAAG into R-devel.
So I saved the image under R-2.10.0 into moths.RData, and then
loaded that image.]
moths$transect <- 1:41  # Each row is from a different transect 
moths$habitat <- relevel(moths$habitat, ref="Lowerside") 
(A.glmer <-  glmer(A~habitat+log(meters)+(1|transect),  
+                    family=poisson, data=subset(moths,subset=habitat!="Bank"))) 
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: A ~ habitat + log(meters) + (1 | transect) 
 Data: subset(moths, subset = habitat != "Bank") 
AIC BIC logLik deviance
208 223    -95      190
Random effects:
Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
transect (Intercept) 0.229    0.478   
Number of obs: 40, groups: transect, 40

Fixed effects:
               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)        1.0876     0.3963    2.74  0.00607
habitatDisturbed  -1.2326     0.4699   -2.62  0.00872
habitatNEsoak     -0.8210     0.4402   -1.87  0.06216
habitatNWsoak      1.5166     0.3915    3.87  0.00011
habitatSEsoak      0.0515     0.3505    0.15  0.88321
habitatSWsoak      0.2435     0.4543    0.54  0.59188
habitatUpperside  -0.1669     0.5366   -0.31  0.75570
log(meters)        0.1506     0.1374    1.10  0.27293
. . . .

The variance that is due to the Poisson error is increased, on 
the scale of the linear predictor, by 0.234.  Relative to the
quasipoisson model (below), more extreme estimates of 
treatment differences (but not for Bank) are pulled in towards 
the overall mean. The habitat Disturbed now appears clearly 
different from the reference, which is Lowerside. The reason 
is that nn the scale of the linear predictor, the Poisson variance 
is largest when the linear predictor is smallest, that is when the 
expected count is, as for Disturbed, close to zero. Addition of an 
amount that is constant across the range has, by comparison
with the quasipoisson model that uses a constant multiplier
(the "dispersion"), a relatively smaller effect when the contribution 
from the Poisson variance is, on this scale, largest.

Here is the glm model that uses a quasipoisson error:

> summary(A.glm <- glm(A ~ habitat + log(meters), data=moths))

glm(formula = A ~ habitat + log(meters), data = moths)

Deviance Residuals: 
       Min          1Q      Median          3Q         Max  
-1.477e+01  -1.893e+00   6.661e-15   1.141e+00   1.518e+01  

                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)        3.2806     2.6352   1.245    0.222
habitatBank       -4.9768     5.0488  -0.986    0.332
habitatDisturbed  -3.0081     2.4825  -1.212    0.234
habitatNEsoak     -2.9095     2.7464  -1.059    0.297
habitatNWsoak     18.6999     3.2349   5.781 2.05e-06
habitatSEsoak      0.3414     2.4756   0.138    0.891
habitatSWsoak      1.4312     3.3565   0.426    0.673
habitatUpperside  -0.5915     3.7839  -0.156    0.877
log(meters)        0.5571     0.9212   0.605    0.550

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 22.50446)

    Null deviance: 1953.22  on 40  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  720.14  on 32  degrees of freedom
AIC: 253.85

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2

I noted also that the same (?) analysis is possible under glmmPQL from MASS.  
(This relies on iterated calls to lme(), from nlme.) The estimates are 
very similar, but the SEs are noticeably different:

> A.glmmPQL <-  glmmPQL(A~habitat+log(meters), random=~1|transect,  
+                    family=poisson, data=subset(moths,subset=habitat!="Bank"))
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | transect
      (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:       0.448     1.04

Variance function:
Structure: fixed weights
Formula: ~invwt 
Fixed effects: A ~ habitat + log(meters) 
                Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept)       1.110     0.437 32    2.54  0.0162
habitatDisturbed -1.240     0.528 32   -2.35  0.0253
habitatNEsoak    -0.821     0.488 32   -1.68  0.1027
habitatNWsoak     1.514     0.422 32    3.58  0.0011
habitatSEsoak     0.053     0.385 32    0.14  0.8917
habitatSWsoak     0.240     0.497 32    0.48  0.6326
habitatUpperside -0.166     0.590 32   -0.28  0.7795
log(meters)       0.147     0.151 32    0.97  0.3399

John Maindonald             email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

On 09/03/2010, at 8:12 AM, Douglas Bates wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Murray Jorgensen <maj at waikato.ac.nz> wrote:
>> Doug's response indicates a certain scepticism about quasilikelihood and
>> it's use in modelling. I am quite interested in this question and may even
>> get around to attempting some theoretical work about it. What I would like
>> to know about literature and discussions critical of QL and its role in
>> modelling. I think I am generally aware of pro-QL literature.
> I should have been more specific and less cheeky.  What I am trying to
> communicate is that the way that I have been able to finally work out
> in my mind how to estimate parameters in generalized linear mixed
> models is to go right back to the probability model and derive things
> from there, step by step.  I can't do that for quasi-poisson or
> quasi-binomial models because there is no probability model.
> I don't know what is involved in fitting parameters using
> quasilikelihood and whether or not the approach can be generalized to
> mixed models.  I find it hard enough to work out what all the bits and
> pieces are when working with a probability distribution.  Working with
> something that sort of looks like a probability distribution but isn't
> really is beyond what I want to try at this point.
>> Cheers,  Murray Jorgensen
>> On 9/03/2010 3:50 a.m., Douglas Bates wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I will leave it to others more skilled than I to decide how to
>>> formulate parameter estimates for fictitious distributions.  I have
>>> enough trouble working in the non-fiction end of statistical theory.
>> [...]
>> --
>> Dr Murray Jorgensen      http://www.stats.waikato.ac.nz/Staff/maj.html
>> Department of Statistics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
>> Email: maj at waikato.ac.nz                                Fax 7 838 4155
>> Phone  +64 7 838 4773 wk    Home +64 7 825 0441   Mobile 021 0200 8350
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