[R-sig-ME] Running repeated measures in lme4
Emma Stone
Emma.Stone at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Mar 3 13:19:29 CET 2010
Dear all,
I wander if you can help.
I am running a repeated measures model with lmer.I have 8 sites, at each I
conducted an experiment with treatments which have 4 levels. Each treatment
was conducted only once per site, but each site has one of each of the
treatment levels so it is balanced. Obviously the treatments within sites
are the repeated measures component, and I want to look at differences
between treatments within sites, I am not really interested in the site
group effect but need to incorporate it. So I have set up my model as
model1<-lmer~(minutes~treatment+(treatment|site), data = data)
But when I run the model, it gives no variance for the group level effect
as shown below.
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
site (Intercept) 0.00000 0.00000
treatment 0.00000 0.00000 NaN
Residual 0.07707 0.27762
Number of obs: 32, groups: site, 8
Is this because I only have one replicate of each treatment level at each
site? Can anyone help?
University of Bristol
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