[R-sig-ME] R2 measure in mixed models?

Juliet Hannah juliet.hannah at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 23:55:59 CET 2010

How does one try and summarize the "strength" of a fixed effect in the
mixed model setting?

It is this question that had led me to try and understand the various
pseudo R-squares.

I'm curious how others do this (for any definition of strength).

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Nick Isaac <njbisaac at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for these pertinent comments.
> I can't comment on the motivation for the original post. I have always felt
> that a single dimensionless Rsq was fairly meaningless in the context of
> mixed models.
> Gelman & Pardoe's formula summarizes the fit at each level in the model
> separately. This has more intuitive appeal, especially since I tend to fit
> models containing fixed effects at the group level. The motivation then
> would be to write a sentence along the lines of 'gender explains 5% of the
> among-subject variance in orthodontic growth curves; age explains 80% of the
> within-subject variation'.
> Incidentally, G&P also state that negative Rsqs might be expected (for their
> index): essentially it means that adding a fixed effect causes the variance
> of a random effect to increase..
> Best wishes, Nick
> On 26 February 2010 14:30, Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Nick Isaac <njbisaac at googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Sorry to be joining this late.
>> > I have written some code to implement Gelman & Pardoe's Rsq for an lmer
>> > object. It gives some believable results, but it's difficult to be
>> confident
>> > because of the translation from Bayesian into frequentist paradigms.
>> > If anyone is interested then I'd be really happy to discuss this off-list
>> > and share/develop the code.
>> Assuming that one wants to define an R^2 measure, I think an argument
>> could be made for treating the penalized residual sum of squares from
>> a linear mixed model in the same way that we consider the residual sum
>> of squares from a linear model.  Or one could use just the residual
>> sum of squares without the penalty or the minimum residual sum of
>> squares obtainable from a given set of terms, which corresponds to an
>> infinite precision matrix.  I don't know, really.  It depends on what
>> you are trying to characterize.
>> In other words, what's the purpose?  What aspect of the R^2 for a
>> linear model are you trying to generalize?
>> I'm sorry if I sound argumentative but discussions like this sometimes
>> frustrate me.  A linear mixed model does not behave exactly like a
>> linear model without random effects so a measure that may be
>> appropriate for the linear model does not necessarily generalize.  I'm
>> not saying that this is the case but if the request is "I don't care
>> what the number means or if indeed it means anything at all, just give
>> me a number I can report", that's not the style of statistics I
>> practice.
>> I regard Bill Venables' wonderful unpublished paper "Exegeses on
>> Linear Models" (just put the name in a search engine to find a copy -
>> there is only one paper with "Exegeses" and "Linear Models" in the
>> title) as required reading for statisticians.  As Bill emphasizes in
>> that paper, statistics is not just a collection of formulas (many of
>> which are based on approximations).  It's about models and comparing
>> how well different models fit the observed data.  If we start with a
>> formula and only ask ourselves "How do we generalize this formula?"
>> we're missing the point.  We should start at the model.
>> In a linear model the R^2 statistic is a dimensionless comparison of
>> the quality of the current model fit, as measured by the residual sum
>> of squares, to the fit one would obtain from a trivial model.  When
>> the current model can be shown to contain a model with an intercept
>> term only (and whose coefficient will be estimated by the mean
>> response) then that model fit is the trivial model.  Otherwise the
>> trivial model is a prediction of zero for each response.  We know that
>> the trivial model will produce a greater residual sum of squares than
>> the current model fit because the models are nested.  The R^2 is the
>> proportion of variability not accounted for by the trivial model but
>> accounted for by the current model (my apologies to my grammar
>> teachers for having juxtaposed prepositions).
>> The interesting point there is that when you think of the
>> relationships between models you can determine how you handle the case
>> of a model that does not have an intercept term.  If you start from
>> the formula instead you can end up calculating a negative R^2 because
>> you compare models that are not nested.  Such nonsensical results are
>> often reported.  (I think it was the Mathematica documentation that
>> gave a careful explanation of why you get a negative R^2 instead of
>> recognizing that the formula they were using did not apply in certain
>> cases.)
>> It may be that there is a sensible measure of the quality of fit from
>> a linear mixed model that generalizes the R^2 from a linear model.  I
>> don't see an obvious candidate but I will freely admit that I haven't
>> thought much about the problem.  I would ask others who are thinking
>> about this to consider both the "what" and the "why".  George
>> Mallory's justification of "because it's there" for attempting to
>> climb Everest is perhaps a good justification for such endeavors
>> (Mallory may have questioned his rationale as he lay freezing to death
>> on the mountain).  I don't think it is a good justification for
>> manipulating formulas.
>> >
>> > Best wishes, Nick
>> >
>> >
>> > On 18 February 2010 06:55, Luisa Carvalheiro <lgcarvalheiro at gmail.com
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi Steve,
>> >>
>> >> Thanlks for reply and literature list. Here are 3 papers on  R2
>> >> calculations for Mixed Models:
>> >>
>> >> M. Mittlbock, T. Waldhor. Adjustments for R2-measures for Poisson
>> >> regression models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 34 (2000)
>> >> 461-472
>> >>
>> >> M. Mittlbock Calculating adjusted R2 measures for Poisson regression
>> >> Models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 68 (2002) 205–214
>> >>
>> >> H. Liu,Y. Zheng and J. Shen. Goodness-of-fit measures of R2 for
>> >> repeated measures mixed effect models Journal of Applied Statistics.
>> >> 35, 2008, 1081–1092
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Steven J. Pierce <pierces1 at msu.edu>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Luisa,
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm not aware of any packages for that, but I'd like the full citation
>> >> for
>> >> > the paper you mentioned. In exchange, here are some citations for
>> other
>> >> > papers about R-square measures in multilevel models that I've found.
>> >> >
>> >> > Edwards, L. J., Muller, K. E., Wolfinger, R. D., Qaqish, B. F., &
>> >> > Schabenberger, O. (2008). An R2 statistic for fixed effects in the
>> linear
>> >> > mixed model. Statistics in Medicine, 27(29), 6137-6157. doi:
>> >> > 10.1002/sim.3429
>> >> >
>> >> > Gelman, A., & Pardoe, I. (2006). Bayesian measures of explained
>> variance
>> >> and
>> >> > pooling in multilevel (hierarchical) models. Technometrics, 48(2),
>> >> 241-251.
>> >> > doi: 10.1198/004017005000000517
>> >> >
>> >> > Kramer, M. (2005). R2 statistics for mixed models. Proceedings of the
>> >> > Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, 17, 148-160.
>> Retrieved
>> >> from
>> >> >
>> >>
>> http://www.ars.usda.gov/sp2UserFiles/ad_hoc/12000000SpatialWorkshop/19Kramer
>> >> > SupplRsq.pdf
>> >> >
>> >> > Merlo, J., Yang, M., Chaix, B., Lynch, J., & Råstam, L. (2005). A
>> brief
>> >> > conceptual tutorial on multilevel analysis in social epidemiology:
>> >> > investigating contextual phenomena in different groups of people.
>> Journal
>> >> of
>> >> > Epidemiology and Community Health, 59(9), 729-736. doi:
>> >> > 10.1136/jech.2004.023929
>> >> >
>> >> > Orelien, J. G., & Edwards, L. J. (2008). Fixed-effect variable
>> selection
>> >> in
>> >> > linear mixed models using R2 statistics. Computational Statistics &
>> Data
>> >> > Analysis, 52(4), 1896-1907. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2007.06.006
>> >> >
>> >> > Roberts, J. K., & Monaco, J. P. (2006, April). Effect size measures
>> for
>> >> the
>> >> > two-level linear multilevel model.  Paper presented at the annual
>> meeting
>> >> of
>> >> > the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
>> >> Retrieved
>> >> > from http://www.hlm-online.com/papers/HLM_effect_size.pdf
>> >> >
>> >> > Snijders, T. A. B., & Bosker, R. J. (1994). Modeled variance in
>> two-level
>> >> > models. Sociological Methods & Research, 22(3), 342-363. doi:
>> >> > 10.1177/0049124194022003004
>> >> >
>> >> > Snijders, T. A. B., & Bosker, R. J. (1999). Multilevel analysis.
>> London,
>> >> UK:
>> >> > Sage.
>> >> > Xu, R. (2003). Measuring explained variation in linear mixed effects
>> >> models.
>> >> > Statistics in Medicine, 22(22), 3527-3541. doi: 10.1002/sim.1572
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Steven J. Pierce
>> >> > Associate Director
>> >> > Center for Statistical Training & Consulting (CSTAT)
>> >> > Michigan State University
>> >> > 178 Giltner Hall
>> >> > East Lansing, MI 48824
>> >> > Web: http://www.cstat.msu.edu
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > -----Original Message-----
>> >> > From: Luisa Carvalheiro [mailto:lgcarvalheiro at gmail.com]
>> >> > Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:00 AM
>> >> > To: r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org
>> >> > Subject: [R-sig-ME] R2 measure in mixed models?
>> >> >
>> >> > Dear mixed modelers,
>> >> >
>> >> > Is there any package for calculating R2 measures for mixed models in R
>> >> (e.g.
>> >> > using the measure proposed by Mittlb ock;  Waldh or 2000)?
>> >> >
>> >> > Luisa
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Luisa Carvalheiro, PhD
>> >> Southern African Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch Research Center,
>> >> Claremont
>> >> & University of Pretoria
>> >> Postal address - SAWC Pbag X3015 Hoedspruit 1380, South Africa
>> >> telephone - +27 (0) 790250944
>> >> Carvalheiro at sanbi.org
>> >> lgcarvalheiro at gmail.com
>> >>
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>> >>
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>> >
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>> > R-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org mailing list
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