[R-sig-ME] lmer book draft

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Feb 18 21:38:32 CET 2010

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Andrew Dolman <andydolman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Any chance of getting the compiled windows lme4a package? Or should I
> expect to see it on r-forge very soon?

I hope it will appear overnight on R-forge.  If not, I will follow up
with the R-forge maintainers and, if necessary, make a compiled
Windows binary from  win-builder available.

I can see on the SVN archive that the lme4a sources are at revision
652.  (Windows compilations need revision 649 or later to succeed.) It
looks like the last attempt to build a Windows version was around
midnight CET yesterday, which is about 17:00 my time (CST).  I may
have committed my fixes for Windows after that.  Right now the archive
shows revision 649 as having been committed 23 hours ago.

>> By the way, I have been able to build the lme4a package for Windows on
>> Uwe's win-builder.r-project.org.  I checked the R-forge site for
>> packages this morning but they haven't been re-built since last week.
>> The latest SVN check-in that was built is revision 637 and the current
>> revision is 650.
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