[R-sig-ME] Baseline + Follow-Up

Isabella Ghement isabella at ghement.ca
Wed Feb 3 18:12:58 CET 2010

Hi everyone,

I am using the lme() function in the nlme library to fit a linear mixed
effects model
such as the one below, where an individual-level follow-up measurement is
modeled as a linear
function of an individual-level baseline measurement plus a fixed treatment
plus a random cluster effect plus random error:

lme(FollowUp ~ Baseline + Treatment, random=~1|Cluster, method="REML",

The summary of the lme model fit reports a point estimate and confidence
for the treatment effect (i.e., difference in adjusted treatment means), but
I am also
interested in getting estimates and confidence intervals for the adjusted
treatment means.
In my case, Treatment is a factor having two levels (say, A and B).
Is there a way to force lme() to report these quantities?

Many thanks!


Isabella R. Ghement, Ph.D.
Ghement Statistical Consulting Company
301-7031 Blundell Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V6Y 1J5
Tel: 604-767-1250
Fax: 604-270-3922
E-mail: isabella at ghement.ca
Web: www.ghement.ca

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