[R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm_2.00

Jarrod Hadfield j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Sat Dec 19 18:29:46 CET 2009

Hi All,

I've released a new version of MCMCglmm which should appear on CRAN  
soon.  The main updates are:

I) Parameter expanded models now implemented which a) speed up mixing  
when variances are close to zero  and b) allow non-central F- 
distributed priors for the variance components
||) Latent variables in binary models can be updated using slice  
sampling (slice=TRUE) - this is usually more efficient
|||) Known bugs fixed - all but one (for ordinal models with more than  
2 categories) resulted in failure to fit a model rather than fitting  
an incorrect model.
||||) Extended set of course notes vignette("CourseNotes",  
"MCMCglmm"). These are incomplete, but better than not having them,  
hopefully. There will undoubtedly be errors in there - if you could  
let me know I'd be grateful.



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