[R-sig-ME] lmer models-confusing results - more information!

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Thu Dec 3 20:43:06 CET 2009

Gwyneth Wilson wrote:
> I have been running lmer models in R, looking at what effects
> reproductive success in Ground Hornbills (a South African Bird). My
> response variable is breeding success and is binomial (0-1) and my
> random effect is group ID. My response variables include rainfall,
> vegetation, group size, year, nests, and proportion of open woodland.
> I have run numerous models with success but I am confused about what
> the outputs are. When I run my first model with all my variables (all
> additive) then i get a low AIC value with only a few of the variables
> being significant. When i take out the varaibles that are not
> significant then my AIC becomes higher but I have more significant
> variables! When I keep taking out the unsignificant variables, I am
> left with a model that has nests, open woodland, and group size as
> being extremely significant BUT the AIC is high! Why is my AIC value
> increasing when I have fewer varaibles that are all significant and
> seem to be best explaining my data? Do i look at only the AIC when
> choosing the 'best' model or do I look at only the p-values? or both?
> The model with the lowest AIC at the moment has the most variables
> and most are not significant?

   This happens a lot when you have correlated variables: although I
don't agree with absolutely everything it says, Zuur et al 2009 is a
good start for looking at this. When you have correlated variables, it's
easy for them collectively to explain a lot of the pattern but
individually not to explain much.

Zuur, A. F., E. N. Ieno, and C. S. Elphick. 2009. A protocol for data
exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Methods in Ecology and
Evolution. doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2009.00001.x.

  In general, you should *either* (1)fit all sensible models and
model-average the results (if you are interested in prediction) or (2)
use the full model to evaluate p-values, test hypotheses etc. (providing
you have _already_ removed correlated variables).  In general (although
Murtaugh 2009 provides a counterexample of sorts), you should **not**
select a model and then (afterwards) evaluate the significance of the
parameters in the model ...

Murtaugh, P. A. 2009. Performance of several variable-selection methods
applied to real ecological data. Ecology Letters 12:1061-1068. doi:

> Please help. Any suggestions would be great!!
> Here is some more information and some of my outputs:
> The first model has all my variables included and i get a low AIC
> with only grp.sz and wood being significant:
> model1<-lmer(br.su~factor(art.n)+factor(yr)+grp.sz+rain+veg+wood+(1|grp.id),data=hornbill,family=binomial)
>> summary(model1)
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
> Formula: br.su ~ factor(art.n) + factor(yr) + grp.sz + rain + veg +
> wood +      (1 | grp.id) Data: hornbill AIC   BIC    logLik
> deviance 138.5 182.3  -55.26    110.5 Random effects: Groups Name
> Variance Std.Dev. grp.id (Intercept) 1.2913   1.1364 Number of obs:
> 169, groups: grp.id, 23
> Fixed effects: Estimate      Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|) 
> (Intercept)      -3.930736   3.672337  -1.070    0.2845 
> factor(art.n)1  1.462829   0.903328   1.619     0.1054 factor(yr)2002
> -2.592315   1.764551  -1.469   0.1418 factor(yr)2003 -3.169365
> 1.759981  -1.801   0.0717 . factor(yr)2004  0.702210   1.341524
> 0.523   0.6007 factor(yr)2005 -2.264257   1.722130  -1.315   0.1886
>  factor(yr)2006  2.129728   1.270996   1.676   0.0938 . 
> factor(yr)2007 -0.579961   1.390345  -0.417   0.6766 factor(yr)2008
> -1.062933   1.640774  -0.648   0.5171 grp.sz             1.882616
> 0.368317   5.111   3.2e-07 *** rain                -0.005896
> 0.003561  -1.656   0.0977 . veg                 -1.993443   1.948738
> -1.023   0.3063 wood               6.832543   3.050573   2.240
> 0.0251 *
> Then i carry on and remove varaibles i think are not having an
> influence on breeding success like the year, vegetation and rain. And
> i get this:
> model3<-lmer(br.su~factor(art.n)+grp.sz+wood+(1|grp.id),data=hornbill,family=binomial)
>> summary(model3)
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
> Formula: br.su ~ factor(art.n) + grp.sz + wood + (1 | grp.id) Data:
> hornbill AIC    BIC    logLik deviance 143.8  159.4  -66.88    133.8 
> Random effects: Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev. grp.id
> (Intercept)     0.75607  0.86953 Number of obs: 169, groups: grp.id,
> 23
> Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error  z value   Pr(>|z|) (Intercept)
> -8.6619     1.3528   -6.403   1.52e-10 *** factor(art.n)1   1.5337
> 0.6420    2.389    0.0169 * grp.sz            1.6631     0.2968
> 5.604    2.09e-08 *** wood              3.2177     1.5793    2.037
> 0.0416 *
> So all the variables are significant but the AIC value is higher!
> I thought that with fewer variables and they are all showing
> significance which means they are influencing breeding success-then
> why is my AIC higher in this model?? Do i only look at the AIC values
> and ignore the p-values? or only look at the p-values??
> Thanks!!
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Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
bolker at ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc

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