[R-sig-ME] Summary output for lmer
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Dec 3 13:51:39 CET 2009
anova() provides a breakdown by terms but be aware that the terms are
regarded sequentially. The coefficients table in some model summaries
(but not lmer summaries) provides p-values for a two-sided test on the
null hypothesis of a specific coefficient is zero.
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Gwyneth Wilson <gwynwilson3 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a function in R that will include a table with the summary output that shows the p-values for all the factors and not the parameters.
> In my summary output for my models it gives a break down for each parameter with a p-value. So for my variable year there are 7 parameters (2002-2008) and a value for each. Is there any way of generating a summary that will show the effect of year as a whole not browkn up into each year! so what is the effect of year on my dependent variable?
> so instead of typing: summary(model1) is there some other way of extracting more information from the model?
> Thanks!
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