[R-sig-ME] Examples for speed comparisons in fitting linear mixed-effects models

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Sep 24 23:56:59 CEST 2009

In some ways this is responding to the messages from Paul, Kevin,
Harold and others but it involves enough new material that I will
start a new thread.

I would very much appreciate examples of data sets and corresponding
models that can be used to assess the speed and reliability of fitting
linear mixed-effects models.  As both Harold and I mentioned in the
other thread it is difficult to get a meaningful timing on a model fit
when it only takes a few seconds.  I enclose output (star1_Rout.txt)
from fitting a model to the star data.  You will see that I timed the
fitting several times with results between 10.3 seconds and 4.3
seconds.  Some of the variability is due to garbage collection and the
amount of memory that is currently allocated but not in use.  That is
why later timings tend to be faster.  But there are many other sources
of variability in addition to memory allocation.

Besides the difficulty in reproducing fast timings, there is also the
"so what" factor.  I really don't care whether the model is fit in 5
seconds or in 10 seconds.

But notice that this is a model with 3 partially crossed (i.e.
non-nested) levels of random effects for a total of about 11000 random
effects, 25000 observations and 12 fixed-effects parameters.  That
used to be considered big and difficult but it isn't any more.  The
second set of timings (star2_Rout.txt) are from an experimental
version of lme4 (called lme4a for the time being) and two functions,
lmer and lmer2.  (The lmer2 name is going to change so don't pay too
much attention to it now.)  The lmer2 function produces an environment
with certain extractor functions, one of which, setPars, sets new
values of the parameters and causes re-evaluation of the deviance or
the REML criterion.  By default it also optimizes the criterion using
the nlminb optimizer.  Kate Mullen and others have an R-forge project
on optimization including a package called minqa that provides an
optimizer bobyqa (love those Fortran, 6-character names) which
outperforms nlminb on my examples.  One advantage of the lmer2
structure is that the optimization can be separated from the model
specification so you can switch optimizers.  With the bobyqa optimizer
and the lmer2 formulation this model can be fit in under 2 seconds.

I do have timings on a much larger and more difficult model fit but
the data are confidential.  This is a model with four, non-nested
levels of random effects (in this case student, school, district and
area) and 40 fixed-effects parameters in total.  The overall
dimensions are
> print(fm1, corr = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML
Formula: Rss ~ Yr * fgr + Sx * Ra + Dis + ELP + EC + (1 | id) + (1 |
   sch) + (1 | dist) + (1 | area)
   Data: dat

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id       (Intercept) 1357.394 36.8428
 sch      (Intercept)   64.341  8.0213
 dist     (Intercept)   22.408  4.7337
 area     (Intercept)    6.220  2.4940
 Residual              498.701 22.3316
Number of obs: 1714674, groups: id, 735604; sch, 2409; dist, 445; area, 12

In this case it takes about a minute to set up the model structures
and each evaluation of the REML criterion takes about 8 seconds.
Again, bobyqa does much better than nlminb, about 1600 seconds
compared to 2500 seconds and both are much faster than the currently
released lme4.

I can't release these data.  I don't even want to post estimates of
the fixed-effects parameters.  I could, for the purposes of timing,
generate a dummy data set from model structure and parameter estimates
but I would prefer not to do that.  Also, I want to be able to test
the new formulation of lmer on real models fit to real data by real

So if you have data to which you want to fit linear mixed-effects
models and they seem to be taking a long time then please send me your
data and model specification.  If the model could be fit by HLM6 or
MLWin or SAS PROC MIXED or Stata (I'm reasonably sure that even the
small example could not because of the partially crossed random
effects but I would be happy to hear otherwise) then we could compare
but right now I am mostly interested in the lme4a package methods and
the choice of optimizers bobyqa or nlminb.
-------------- next part --------------

R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
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> library(lme4)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice

Attaching package: 'Matrix'

	The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :


	The following object(s) are masked from package:base :


> data(star, package = "mlmRev")
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
 10.303   0.050  10.824 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  7.752   0.056   8.369 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  4.311   0.005   4.777 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  4.895   0.001   5.036 
> print(fm1, corr = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML 
Formula: math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1 | id) + (1 | tch) + (1 | sch) 
   Data: star 
    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance REMLdev
 239236 239365 -119602   239245  239204
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id       (Intercept) 1001.59  31.648  
 tch      (Intercept)  295.04  17.177  
 sch      (Intercept)  104.76  10.235  
 Residual              397.32  19.933  
Number of obs: 24578, groups: id, 10732; tch, 1374; sch, 80

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 560.8869     1.5742   356.3
gr.L         95.6128     1.0080    94.9
gr.Q         -4.6783     0.9858    -4.7
gr.C         -3.2320     0.9729    -3.3
cltypereg    -7.7943     1.3322    -5.9
cltypereg+A  -7.0055     1.3265    -5.3
sxF           2.8766     0.6836     4.2
ethB        -21.9199     1.2218   -17.9
ethA          3.1941     6.7036     0.5
ethH          4.5410     9.6650     0.5
ethI        -28.1621    13.5356    -2.1
ethO          3.4358     8.3131     0.4
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 45.579   0.322  48.042 
-------------- next part --------------

R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
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> library(lme4a)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice

Attaching package: 'Matrix'

	The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :


	The following object(s) are masked from package:base :


> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) 


attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] lme4a_0.999375-42  Matrix_0.999375-31 lattice_0.17-25   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.9.1
> data(star, package = "mlmRev")
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
 14.076   0.070  14.960 
Warning message:
In merFinalize(rho) : false convergence (8)
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  7.897   0.018   8.297 
Warning message:
In merFinalize(rho) : false convergence (8)
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  7.852   0.001   8.443 
Warning message:
In merFinalize(rho) : false convergence (8)
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  8.619   0.007   9.208 
Warning message:
In merFinalize(rho) : false convergence (8)
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer2(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.555   0.002   2.565 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer2(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.166   0.001   2.308 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer2(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.207   0.001   2.224 
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer2(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star))
   user  system elapsed 
  2.936   0.000   2.960 
> print(fm1, corr = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML 
Formula: math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1 | id) + (1 | tch) + (1 | sch) 
   Data: star 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id       (Intercept) 1001.60  31.648  
 tch      (Intercept)  295.04  17.177  
 sch      (Intercept)  104.76  10.235  
 Residual              397.31  19.933  
Number of obs: 24578, groups: id, 10732; tch, 1374; sch, 80

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 560.8868     1.5747   356.2
gr.L         95.6126     1.0080    94.9
gr.Q         -4.6782     0.9858    -4.7
gr.C         -3.2320     0.9729    -3.3
cltypereg    -7.7945     1.3322    -5.9
cltypereg+A  -7.0056     1.3265    -5.3
sxF           2.8766     0.6836     4.2
ethB        -21.9196     1.2219   -17.9
ethA          3.1940     6.7036     0.5
ethH          4.5413     9.6650     0.5
ethI        -28.1612    13.5356    -2.1
ethO          3.4357     8.3131     0.4
> ## time the setup phase only
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer2(math ~ gr + cltype + sx + eth + (1|id) + (1|tch) + (1|sch), star, doFit = FALSE))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.398   0.000   0.398 
> ## time the optimization using nlminb
> system.time(nlminb(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(trace = 1)))
  0:     240730.91:  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000
  1:     239648.32:  1.98282 0.816539 0.979744
  2:     239342.22:  1.75919  1.02726 0.914733
  3:     239259.59:  1.49223 0.865024 0.882315
  4:     239230.77:  1.65620 0.811277 0.619893
  5:     239225.00:  1.58040 0.894458 0.326679
  6:     239216.42:  1.55704 0.901629 0.639797
  7:     239207.82:  1.59249 0.869466 0.630141
  8:     239206.23:  1.58324 0.844715 0.589082
  9:     239204.54:  1.59280 0.873056 0.550491
 10:     239204.24:  1.59525 0.852259 0.506384
 11:     239203.77:  1.58797 0.859716 0.507220
 12:     239203.75:  1.58832 0.862046 0.517409
 13:     239203.74:  1.58797 0.862118 0.513037
 14:     239203.74:  1.58772 0.861717 0.513120
 15:     239203.74:  1.58773 0.861747 0.513507
 16:     239203.74:  1.58774 0.861740 0.513496
   user  system elapsed 
  2.400   0.001   2.582 
> system.time(nlminb(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(trace = 1)))
  0:     240730.91:  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000
  1:     239648.32:  1.98282 0.816539 0.979744
  2:     239342.22:  1.75919  1.02726 0.914733
  3:     239259.59:  1.49223 0.865024 0.882315
  4:     239230.77:  1.65620 0.811277 0.619893
  5:     239225.00:  1.58040 0.894458 0.326679
  6:     239216.42:  1.55704 0.901629 0.639797
  7:     239207.82:  1.59249 0.869466 0.630141
  8:     239206.23:  1.58324 0.844715 0.589082
  9:     239204.54:  1.59280 0.873056 0.550491
 10:     239204.24:  1.59525 0.852259 0.506384
 11:     239203.77:  1.58797 0.859716 0.507220
 12:     239203.75:  1.58832 0.862046 0.517409
 13:     239203.74:  1.58797 0.862118 0.513037
 14:     239203.74:  1.58772 0.861717 0.513120
 15:     239203.74:  1.58773 0.861747 0.513507
 16:     239203.74:  1.58774 0.861740 0.513496
   user  system elapsed 
  1.947   0.002   2.108 
> system.time(nlminb(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(trace = 1)))
  0:     240730.91:  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000
  1:     239648.32:  1.98282 0.816539 0.979744
  2:     239342.22:  1.75919  1.02726 0.914733
  3:     239259.59:  1.49223 0.865024 0.882315
  4:     239230.77:  1.65620 0.811277 0.619893
  5:     239225.00:  1.58040 0.894458 0.326679
  6:     239216.42:  1.55704 0.901629 0.639797
  7:     239207.82:  1.59249 0.869466 0.630141
  8:     239206.23:  1.58324 0.844715 0.589082
  9:     239204.54:  1.59280 0.873056 0.550491
 10:     239204.24:  1.59525 0.852259 0.506384
 11:     239203.77:  1.58797 0.859716 0.507220
 12:     239203.75:  1.58832 0.862046 0.517409
 13:     239203.74:  1.58797 0.862118 0.513037
 14:     239203.74:  1.58772 0.861717 0.513120
 15:     239203.74:  1.58773 0.861747 0.513507
 16:     239203.74:  1.58774 0.861740 0.513496
   user  system elapsed 
  2.015   0.000   2.016 
> system.time(nlminb(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(trace = 1)))
  0:     240730.91:  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000
  1:     239648.32:  1.98282 0.816539 0.979744
  2:     239342.22:  1.75919  1.02726 0.914733
  3:     239259.59:  1.49223 0.865024 0.882315
  4:     239230.77:  1.65620 0.811277 0.619893
  5:     239225.00:  1.58040 0.894458 0.326679
  6:     239216.42:  1.55704 0.901629 0.639797
  7:     239207.82:  1.59249 0.869466 0.630141
  8:     239206.23:  1.58324 0.844715 0.589082
  9:     239204.54:  1.59280 0.873056 0.550491
 10:     239204.24:  1.59525 0.852259 0.506384
 11:     239203.77:  1.58797 0.859716 0.507220
 12:     239203.75:  1.58832 0.862046 0.517409
 13:     239203.74:  1.58797 0.862118 0.513037
 14:     239203.74:  1.58772 0.861717 0.513120
 15:     239203.74:  1.58773 0.861747 0.513507
 16:     239203.74:  1.58774 0.861740 0.513496
   user  system elapsed 
  1.896   0.000   1.897 
> ## time the optimization using bobyqa
> library(minqa)
> system.time(bobyqa(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(iprint = 2)))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.674   0.000   1.795 
> system.time(bobyqa(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(iprint = 2)))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.577   0.000   1.578 
> system.time(bobyqa(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(iprint = 2)))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.488   0.000   1.488 
> system.time(bobyqa(c(1,1,1), fm1 at setPars, lower = c(0,0,0), control = list(iprint = 2)))
   user  system elapsed 
  1.490   0.000   1.602 
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 82.897   0.339  87.485 

    New RHO = 1.0000D-01     Number of function values =     6
    Least value of F =  2.396525830667515D+05         The corresponding X is:
     2.000000D+00   1.000000D+00   1.000000D+00

    New RHO = 1.0000D-02     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  2.392271194838589D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.530990D+00   9.271466D-01   5.263914D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-03     Number of function values =    22
    Least value of F =  2.392039829385394D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.586325D+00   8.555261D-01   5.344145D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-04     Number of function values =    38
    Least value of F =  2.392037396723067D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587629D+00   8.618595D-01   5.139103D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-05     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  2.392037395221720D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587714D+00   8.617400D-01   5.134964D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-06     Number of function values =    51
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205490D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587737D+00   8.617412D-01   5.135009D-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    58
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205379D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587738D+00   8.617422D-01   5.134982D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-01     Number of function values =     6
    Least value of F =  2.396525830667515D+05         The corresponding X is:
     2.000000D+00   1.000000D+00   1.000000D+00

    New RHO = 1.0000D-02     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  2.392271194838589D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.530990D+00   9.271466D-01   5.263914D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-03     Number of function values =    22
    Least value of F =  2.392039829385394D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.586325D+00   8.555261D-01   5.344145D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-04     Number of function values =    38
    Least value of F =  2.392037396723067D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587629D+00   8.618595D-01   5.139103D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-05     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  2.392037395221720D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587714D+00   8.617400D-01   5.134964D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-06     Number of function values =    51
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205490D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587737D+00   8.617412D-01   5.135009D-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    58
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205379D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587738D+00   8.617422D-01   5.134982D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-01     Number of function values =     6
    Least value of F =  2.396525830667515D+05         The corresponding X is:
     2.000000D+00   1.000000D+00   1.000000D+00

    New RHO = 1.0000D-02     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  2.392271194838589D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.530990D+00   9.271466D-01   5.263914D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-03     Number of function values =    22
    Least value of F =  2.392039829385394D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.586325D+00   8.555261D-01   5.344145D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-04     Number of function values =    38
    Least value of F =  2.392037396723067D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587629D+00   8.618595D-01   5.139103D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-05     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  2.392037395221720D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587714D+00   8.617400D-01   5.134964D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-06     Number of function values =    51
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205490D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587737D+00   8.617412D-01   5.135009D-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    58
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205379D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587738D+00   8.617422D-01   5.134982D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-01     Number of function values =     6
    Least value of F =  2.396525830667515D+05         The corresponding X is:
     2.000000D+00   1.000000D+00   1.000000D+00

    New RHO = 1.0000D-02     Number of function values =    16
    Least value of F =  2.392271194838589D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.530990D+00   9.271466D-01   5.263914D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-03     Number of function values =    22
    Least value of F =  2.392039829385394D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.586325D+00   8.555261D-01   5.344145D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-04     Number of function values =    38
    Least value of F =  2.392037396723067D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587629D+00   8.618595D-01   5.139103D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-05     Number of function values =    45
    Least value of F =  2.392037395221720D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587714D+00   8.617400D-01   5.134964D-01

    New RHO = 1.0000D-06     Number of function values =    51
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205490D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587737D+00   8.617412D-01   5.135009D-01

    At the return from BOBYQA     Number of function values =    58
    Least value of F =  2.392037395205379D+05         The corresponding X is:
     1.587738D+00   8.617422D-01   5.134982D-01

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