[R-sig-ME] increasing nAGQ causes error

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Fri May 29 20:08:37 CEST 2009

  Hmmm.  What version of lme4 are you using?  I have a
perhaps-more-recent version which gives me a different error:

  from sessionInfo()

other attached packages:
[1] lme4_0.999375-29   Matrix_0.999375-25 lattice_0.17-25

> test2<-glmer(USED~1+IMPS+(1+IMPS|CITY),family=binomial,data=subset2)
> test2A <- update(test2,nAGQ=2)
Error in mer_finalize(ans) : Downdated X'X is not positive definite, 1.

  This is a more intentional and more standard error message which
basically means (?) that there has been a numerical/convergence problem
along the way ... (I'm not sure what the "1." means, haven't looked into

  If I were in your position I might be satisfied with Laplace -- is
there a particular reason you need the greater accuracy of AGQ ... ?

  I am running the test code below and have so far figured out that
it happens for nAGQ=8 (but not for 2, 3, 4, 5) when one uses the
first 10 cities (but OK for up to 9).  It's OK for 11 cities
for all nAGQ tried (oddly enough, but this is not terribly surprising
when things are on th edge of numerical stability).  Haven't yet seen
how the rest of the pattern plays out.

testvals <- list()
nlev <- length(levels(subset2$CITY))
agqvals <- c(2,3,4,5,8)
for (i in 9:nlev) {
  testvals[[i-8]] <- list()
  for (j in 1:length(agqvals)) {
    agq <- agqvals[j]

   ## should have used <=i rather than <i ...

Grant T. Stokke wrote:
> Dr. Bolker,
> Thanks for your prompt reply.  I created a subset of my dataset (attached). 
> This subset contains 14 of the 22 cities in the full dataset, and one 
> covariate (% impervious surfaces [IMP]).  I had convergence issues before 
> standardizing covariates, so I used:
> subset2$IMPS<-(subset2$IMP-mean(subset2$IMP))/(sqrt(var(subset2$IMP)))
> Fitting all 3 covariates takes quite a long time, and I get the same error 
> when using just one of them:
>> test2<-glmer(USED~1+IMPS+(1+IMPS|CITY),family=binomial,data=subset2,nAGQ=8)
>> test2
> Error in asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1,2]
> Perhaps it's noteworthy that I did not receive the error when using a 
> smaller subset with only the first 8 cities (in alphabetical order).
> I look forward to your response.  Thanks again...
> -Grant
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ben Bolker" <bolker at ufl.edu>
> To: "Grant T. Stokke" <gts127 at psu.edu>
> Cc: <r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org>
> Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] increasing nAGQ causes error
>>  This sounds worth digging into, but it's hard to dig
>> into without a reproducible example.  I don't get the
>> problem with the GLMM example in the lme4 package:
>> example(lmer)
>> update(gm1,nAGQ=8)
>> update(gm1,nAGQ=10)
>> etc.
>>  Can you post your data set, or a subset or simulated
>> data set that gives the same problem, somewhere?
>>  Ben Bolker
>> Grant T. Stokke wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I'm new to R and new to this mailing list, so I hope I've presented
>>> the proper info in this post.  I'm using GLMMs to model the selection
>>> of urban roosting locations by crows.  My dataset consists of 22
>>> cities, with each city containing 1000 unused locations and from 83
>>> to 2000 used locations.  I have three covariates for each used or
>>> unused location which I've standardized across all observations: %
>>> canopy (CANS), % impervious surfaces (IMPS), and nighttime light
>>> level (LTS).  Using the default setting nAGQ=1, my full model is
>>> fitted without error:
>>>> CIL_CIL<-glmer(USED~1+CANS+IMPS+LTS+(1+CANS+IMPS+LTS|CITY),family=binomial,data=sitescale)
>>>>  CIL_CIL
>>> Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
>>> Formula: USED ~ 1 + CANS + IMPS + LTS + (1 + CANS + IMPS + LTS |
>>> CITY) Data: sitescale AIC   BIC logLik deviance 15122 15237  -7547
>>> 15094 Random effects: Groups Name        Variance   Std.Dev. Corr
>>>  CITY   (Intercept) 321.698184 17.93595 CANS          0.073271
>>> 0.27069  0.026 IMPS          0.661947  0.81360  0.080 -0.698 LTS
>>> 455.829122 21.35016 -0.988  0.031 -0.132 Number of obs: 27128,
>>> groups: CITY, 22
>>> Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept)
>>> -16.21878    4.01227  -4.042 5.29e-05 *** CANS          0.07881
>>> 0.07162   1.100 0.271147 IMPS          0.63137    0.17750   3.557
>>> 0.000375 *** LTS          19.50827    4.78822   4.074 4.62e-05 ***
>>> --- Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
>>> Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) CANS   IMPS CANS  0.020
>>>  IMPS  0.074 -0.500 LTS  -0.989  0.025 -0.124
>>> When I increase nAGQ to 8, however, I get the following error:
>>>> CIL_CIL.nAGQ8<-glmer(USED~1+CANS+IMPS+LTS+(1+CANS+IMPS+LTS|CITY),family=binomial,data=sitescale,nAGQ=8)
>>>>  CIL_CIL.nAGQ8
>>> Error in asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1,2]
>>> I get the same error message with other values for nAGQ (I tried nAGQ
>>> = 2, 3, 5, and 50).  Is there anything I can do to fit the model
>>> using nAGQ > 1 without error?  Thanks in advance for your help!
>>> -Grant Stokke
>>>> sessionInfo()
>>> R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) i386-pc-mingw32
>>> locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
>>> States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
>>> States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
>>> attached base packages: [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils
>>> datasets  methods   base
>>> other attached packages: [1] mgcv_1.5-5         lme4_0.999375-30
>>> Matrix_0.999375-26 lattice_0.17-22
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] grid_2.9.0
>>> nlme_3.1-90 tools_2.9.0
>>>> CIL_CIL.nAGQ8
>>> Error in asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1,2]
>>>> traceback()
>>> 18: .Call(dense_to_symmetric, from, "U", TRUE) 17: asMethod(object)
>>> 16: as(from, "symmetricMatrix") 15: .class1(object) 14: as(as(from,
>>> "symmetricMatrix"), "dMatrix") 13: .class1(object) 12: as(as(as(from,
>>> "symmetricMatrix"), "dMatrix"), "denseMatrix") 11: .class1(object)
>>> 10: as(as(as(as(from, "symmetricMatrix"), "dMatrix"), "denseMatrix"),
>>>  "dpoMatrix") 9: asMethod(object) 8: as(sigma(object)^2 *
>>> chol2inv(object at RX, size = object at dims["p"]), "dpoMatrix") 7:
>>> vcov(object) 6: vcov(object) 5: summary(x) 4: summary(x) 3:
>>> printMer(object) 2: function (object) standardGeneric("show")(<S4
>>> object of class "mer">) 1: function (object)
>>> standardGeneric("show")(<S4 object of class "mer">)
>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> R-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org mailing list
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models
>> -- 
>> Ben Bolker
>> Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
>> bolker at ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
>> GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc

Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
bolker at ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc

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