[R-sig-ME] New to LMER with 2 (easy?) questions...

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Thu May 21 23:05:37 CEST 2009

On 21/05/2009, at 3:12 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:


>    The only thing I would check for is that your BLOCK numbers
> are truly "nested" within SITE, i.e. that your blocks are numbered
> 1..n within each site, not 1:(n*N) (where n = # blocks per site,
> N = # of sites).


I was under the impression that lmer() required that nested effects
have *distinct* subscripts for their levels, e.g. block 1 in site 1
should *not* have the same index as block 1 in site 2 --- they being
after all, different blocks.  I thought that this was one of Doug
Bates' particular pet peeves about the (irrational) way that other
packages (e.g. The-Package-That-Must-Not-Be-Named) do things.

Have I been suffering from a misapprehension?  Wouldn't be the first  
time ....


		Rolf Turner

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