[R-sig-ME] Duplicating meta-regression results from PROC MIXED with lmer

Brant Inman brant.inman at me.com
Thu May 7 05:00:38 CEST 2009


Thanks very much for the great advice.  You essentially suggest the  

1) Add interaction term b/t covariates and treatment arm variable
2) Center continuous covariates
3) Use a wide dataset (improves computation time dramatically over a  
long dataset)

The estimates obtained with your method would seem at first glance to  
compare favorably with the published results.  However, on closer  
analysis I wonder if the interpretation of your model is the same as  
Van Houwelingen's.


Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: y ~ bcg * latitude + bcg * year + (bcg | study)
    Data: newbcg
    AIC   BIC logLik deviance
  105.6 116.9  -43.8     87.6
Random effects:
  Groups Name        Variance   Std.Dev. Corr
  study  (Intercept) 0.60620909 0.778594
         bcgyes      0.00045554 0.021343 1.000
Number of obs: 26, groups: study, 13

Fixed effects:
                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)     -4.116305   0.221649 -18.571  < 2e-16 ***
bcgyes          -0.733330   0.049815 -14.721  < 2e-16 ***
latitude         0.024016   0.021007   1.143  0.25294
year            -0.099948   0.027955  -3.575  0.00035 ***
bcgyes:latitude -0.034332   0.003991  -8.601  < 2e-16 ***
bcgyes:year     -0.001489   0.005811  -0.256  0.79781
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’  
0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
             (Intr) bcgyes latitd year   bcgys:l
bcgyes       0.046
latitude    -0.004  0.006
year        -0.015  0.014  0.658
bcgyes:lttd  0.002  0.156  0.088  0.059
bcgyes:year  0.020 -0.234  0.049  0.078  0.706


5.2.4. Regression on latitude and year. When both covariates latitude  
and year are put into
the model, the residual between-study variance becomes only 0.002,  
corresponding with an
explained variance of 99.3 per cent, only slightly more than by  
latitude alone. The regression
coe��cients for the intercept, latitude and year are, respectively,  
0.494 (standard error = 0:529),
−0:034 (standard error = 0:004) and −0:001 (standard error = 0:006).

After taking into account centering, do you believe that your  
regression equation is interpreted in the same way as his?


On May 6, 2009, at 8:02 AM, Ken Beath wrote:

> On 06/05/2009, at 8:43 PM, Brant Inman wrote:
>> Rolf,
>> I actually don't believe that this is a SAS vs R issue since I have  
>> 3 sources that report the same results.  I know that STATA, SAS and  
>> the mima function from R can all be used to give the correct  
>> results.  The question is related more to how I can get similar  
>> results with lmer.  Currently, the code I provided generates VERY  
>> different results, especially related to between study variance  
>> estimation (tau) and regression coefficient standard errors.  
>> Basically, I think I got it all wrong in my coding of the models  
>> with covariates (f3 and f4), but I can't understand why.
>> Brant
> This is closer but maybe not quite equivalent. It also avoids using  
> the huge data file.
> Ken
> bcg <- read.csv("bcg.csv")
> bcg$study <- paste(bcg$author, bcg$year)
> # this is a bit messy but requires almost no thought
> bcgnames <- bcg[,c(1,2,7:10)]
> bcgvacc <- bcg[,3:4]
> names(bcgvacc) <- c("tb","n")
> bcgnovacc <- bcg[,5:6]
> names(bcgnovacc) <- c("tb","n")
> newbcg <- cbind(rbind(bcgnames,bcgnames),rbind(bcgvacc,bcgnovacc))
> newbcg$bcg <- factor(rep(c("yes","no"),each=13))
> newbcg$notb <- newbcg$n-newbcg$tb
> newbcg$latitude <- newbcg$latitude-mean(newbcg$latitude)
> newbcg$year <- newbcg$year-mean(newbcg$year)
> library(meta)
> # Fixed and random effects models, no covariates
> f0 <- metabin(bcg[,3], bcg[,4], bcg[,5], bcg[,6], sm='OR',  
> method='Inverse')
> 	summary(f0)
> library(lme4)
> # Fixed effects model, no covariates
> f1 <- lmer(cbind(tb,notb) ~ bcg + (1 | study), family=binomial,  
> data=newbcg)
> 	summary(f1)
> 	exp(fixef(f1)[2]) # OR
> 	exp(f1 at fixef[2] - (1.96*sqrt(vcov(f1)[2,2]))) # lci
> 	exp(f1 at fixef[2] + (1.96*sqrt(vcov(f1)[2,2])))  # uci
> # Random effects model, no covariates.
> f2 <- lmer(cbind(tb,notb) ~ bcg + (bcg | study), family=binomial,  
> data=newbcg) # Random effects, no covariates
> 	summary(f2)
> 	exp(fixef(f2)[2]) # OR
> 	exp(f2 at fixef[2] - (1.96*sqrt(vcov(f2)[2,2]))) # lci
> 	exp(f2 at fixef[2] + (1.96*sqrt(vcov(f2)[2,2]))) # uci
> 	as.numeric(summary(f2)@REmat[2,3]) # Tau
> # Random effects model, 1 covariate
> f3 <- lmer(cbind(tb,notb) ~ latitude*bcg + (bcg | study),  
> family=binomial, data=newbcg)
> 	summary(f3)
> 	exp(fixef(f3)) # OR
> # Random effects model, 1 covariate
> f4 <- lmer(cbind(tb,notb) ~ latitude*bcg + year*bcg + (bcg | study),  
> family=binomial, data=newbcg)
> 	summary(f4)
> 	exp(fixef(f4)) # OR

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