[R-sig-ME] (no subject)

Adam D. I. Kramer adik at ilovebacon.org
Tue Jan 27 20:28:58 CET 2009

Hi Lawrence,

 	contrasts(lambweight$age) returns the contrast matrix that is tested
by lm, lme, etc....you can assign to this matrix. You probably want
contrasts(lambweight$age) <- matrix(c(

...to do it in lme proper, add
to your command line.

Note also that you're not getting estimates for age2 and 3, you're getting
estimates for the difference between age2 and age1, and between age3 and


On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, Lawrence Lee wrote:

> Dear all,
>        Does anyone know how to change the reference group within lme().
> For example,
> lme(fixed = obs ~ line + age - 1,random = ~1 |sire, data = lambweight)
>        Suppose age has 3 levels, so the code above will give me estimate
> of age2 and age3:
> Fixed effects: obs ~ line + age - 1           Value Std.Error DF   t-value 
> p-valueline1 10.491153 0.7261881 18 14.446882  0.0000line2 12.290287 
> 0.8242309 18 14.911219  0.0000line3 11.032864 0.7647870 18 14.426061 
> 0.0000line4 10.276735 0.7389137 18 13.907897  0.0000line5 10.952840 0.6084109 
> 18 18.002373  0.0000age2  -0.155435 0.7157030 38 -0.217178  0.8292age3 
> 0.009646 0.5481034 38  0.017599  0.9861
>         How I can change within lme() in order to give me the estimate of
> age1 and age2.
> Thanks,
> Lawrence
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