[R-sig-ME] grouped data or multiple responses

Juan Pedro Steibel steibelj at msu.edu
Mon Jan 26 18:50:55 CET 2009

Hello everyone,
Suppose I want to fit the same mixed model to a set of response 
variables and store the results in a single object.  Then retrieve the 
results one by one using an index or some other referencing method.

The response may be stored either in multiple columns of a response 
matrix (no missing data, same design for all responses) or in a single 
vector, with an index variable indicating the response (allowing for 
different sampling schemes).
Can anyone please help with some pointers on this?
Thanks in advance,

Juan Pedro Steibel

Assistant Professor
Statistical Genetics and Genomics

Department of Animal Science & 
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Michigan State University
1205-I Anthony Hall
East Lansing, MI
48824 USA 

Phone: 1-517-353-5102
E-mail: steibelj at msu.edu

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