[R-sig-ME] Penalized mixed-effects regression

Gad Abraham gabraham at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Sun Dec 7 13:10:46 CET 2008


I'm interested in doing mixed-effects logistic regression on gene 
expression data (genes in each batch as fixed effects, and different 
batches as random effects). The data has many times more variables than 
samples. This calls for a penalised likelihood function, e.g., lasso or 

I couldn't find any information about whether lme4 or nlme support 
penalised regression.

Any advice on whether this is possible?


Gad Abraham
Dept. CSSE and NICTA
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010, Victoria, Australia
email: gabraham at csse.unimelb.edu.au
web: http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/~gabraham

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