[R-sig-ME] mixed effect modelling for zero inflated count data in R

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Jul 29 22:50:29 CEST 2008

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Byju Govindan <byjung at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R users,

>  Is gmmlAMDB the only option available to do mixed effect modelling for zero
> inflated count data in R. Or does there exist any other option.

The answer to this, and many other questions about what can be done in
R, can be found by executing

install.packages("fortunes"); library(fortunes); fortune("Yoda")

P.S. I still maintain that if this statement were to be considered a
true Yodaism the first sentence should be "R this is.".

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