[R-sig-ME] Development version of lme4 has been released to CRAN

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Mon Jun 23 21:47:51 CEST 2008

Early Sunday morning the development version of the lme4 package was
released to CRAN.  There has already been one update version released
and will be another later today.  The current CRAN version of the
source and the Windows binary package is 0.999375-17.

I expect that as users begin to install this package and try to run
old code they will encounter issues.  I will be traveling and have
limited email access from June 26 until July 2 and no email access
from July 3 until July 8.

I would appreciate it is those who are so helpful in responding to
questions about lme4 on this list and on the R-help list could be
extra vigilant during that period.  Some of the changes have been
documented in the NEWS file.

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