[R-sig-ME] user defined covariance structure in lme4 /nlme (Tapan Mehta)

Gregor Gorjanc gregor.gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Thu Apr 17 23:50:13 CEST 2008

Tapan Mehta <tapmehta at ...> writes:
>  I have tried using corSymm but it does not give me correct random
> effects estimates as compared to what I get through SAS. I am trying to
> estimate the genetic and error variance and based on a simulated data
> (through SAS) with genetic variance 7 and error variance 2 whereas the
> results I obtain from the code below gives 7.58 and 1.38. 

But this is not so bad! Try with several datasets and you will get the feeling
of the quality of estimates.


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