[R-sig-ME] Extract variance components from lme object
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
bxc at steno.dk
Wed Sep 5 14:12:22 CEST 2007
I have fitted the following model to a three-way layout of meth, item,
lme( y ~ meth + item,
random=list( item = pdIdent( ~ meth-1 ),
repl = ~1 ),
weights = varIdent( form = ~1 | meth ),
So I have a model with random meth-by-item and item-by-repl effects and
residual variances for each of the two levels of meth.
How do I extract these 4 variance components to an R-structure that I
can use for
further calculations?
The output is below.
Bendix Carstensen
Senior Statistician
Steno Diabetes Center
Niels Steensens Vej 2-4
DK-2820 Gentofte
+45 44 43 87 38 (direct)
+45 30 75 87 38 (mobile)
+45 44 43 73 13 (fax)
bxc at steno.dk http://www.biostat.ku.dk/~bxc
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: ox
Log-restricted-likelihood: -911.7401
Fixed: y ~ meth + item
(Intercept) methpulse item2 item3 item4 item5
item6 item7 item8
76.0428384 -2.4704462 -7.0216227 5.1497034 -10.7281860 -1.1137199
3.1649924 9.7065633 3.5568599
item9 item10 item11 item12 item13 item14
item15 item16 item17
-4.1821374 -14.4222445 12.7503731 -47.3135668 3.3219575 -1.1293724
6.2565251 -0.5367298 13.9153464
item18 item19 item20 item21 item22 item23
item24 item25 item26
1.5322522 -2.0861271 -1.0351969 6.4653272 -0.4416475 4.5820322
8.2772197 2.1049894 2.7779659
item27 item28 item29 item30 item31 item32
item33 item34 item35
-10.3186089 -10.8197187 0.7833716 2.6444795 -29.2466418 5.6528703
6.8769614 8.7365767 0.9285974
item36 item37 item38 item39 item40 item41
item42 item43 item44
3.0492155 3.6735649 7.5298316 2.7392939 -8.6159587 -0.1044011
-4.3450727 -20.7468236 -16.2943647
item45 item46 item47 item48 item49 item50
item51 item52 item53
2.0329985 4.5130501 3.4254305 -3.0309414 10.4662553 -24.8350417
-20.8508611 -0.3525354 -3.6222924
item54 item55 item56 item57 item58 item59
item60 item61
1.4299082 12.8385572 9.7971680 13.3501148 13.4953406 15.6657386
7.3963452 -1.7503731
Random effects:
Formula: ~meth - 1 | item
Structure: Multiple of an Identity
methCO methpulse
StdDev: 2.928042 2.928042
Formula: ~1 | repl %in% item
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 3.415692 2.224868
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | meth
Parameter estimates:
CO pulse
1.000000 1.795365
Number of Observations: 354
Number of Groups:
item repl %in% item
61 177
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